Bibliography of Astrology Page 17, Baumgartner – Bayer

Baumgartner, Alfons ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien, Sonderdruck 10:] Die Jahresprognose: Eine Anleitung zur Deutung der Solarhoroskope und Transite mit vielen Lehrbeispielen und übersichtlich geordneten Deutungsregeln’ Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[1]. Original card covers. (Some previous owner’s black-inked notes to pp. 2-3. Upper outer corner of leaf comprising pp. 15-16 clipped.) [1] + [pp. 2-82] + [pp. 83-5 of tables] + [1 page of advertisements] + [rear cover backed with advertisements]

Baumgartner, Hans, ed. ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck 7a:] Astrologische Direktionen Teil I: die brauchbarsten Methoden – Eine Anleitung, die Entfernung der festen und beweglichen Horoskopfaktoren von einander zu messen und das Ergebnis in Zeit umzuwandeln, um festzustellen, wann die im Horoskop festgelegten Schicksale eintreten’ bound with ‘[Astrologische Universel-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck 7b:] Astrologische Direktionen Teil 2: die gebräuchlisten Methoden’ (same subtitle follows); bound with ‘[Astrologische Universel-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck 7c:] Astrologische Direktionen Teil 3: Vereinfachungen, Neuerungen, Geburtszeit-Korrektur; Deutung’ (same subtitle) – Verlag Hans Baumgartner, Warpke, undated[2]. Three single-sided leaves of diagrams on smaller paper laid in, as issued. Card covers. [1] + [pp. 2-38] + [pp. 39-44 of tables] + [1] + [pp. 2-36] + [1] + [pp. 2-54]

[Baumgartner, H., ed.] ‘Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie – 1. Brief – Anlage: Tafel 1: (Fig. 3: s. S. 19); Tafel 2: Beispielhoroskop’ Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), undated[3]. Copy A with sheets entitled Tafel I, Tafel II (whose contents have been partly cut out) and Aspektring Fig. 3f (in triplicate) laid in. Copy B with Aspektring Fig. 3f (in triplicate) and additional 8-page A5 advertising brochure for the entire course of 25 “letters”[4] laid in. Two copies. Both copies: Original A5-sized card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [1] + [pp. 2-32]

Baumgartner, H., ed. ‘Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie in zwangloser Brieffolge[5]‘ [Verlag Baumgartner, (20a Warpke (Post Billerbeck / Hann.)], undated[6]. Set of 24 separate documents, numbered from 2. Brief to 25. Brief. No covers, as issued. Each issue in folded A4 sheets bound only by a single staple at the upper inner corner. Contents printed in dual columns throughout. Comprises:

  • 2. Brief. [pp. 19[7]-34]
  • 3. Brief. [pp. 35-50]
  • 4. Brief. [pp. 51-66]
  • 5. Brief. [pp. 67-82]
  • 6. Brief. [pp. 83-96]
  • 7. Brief. [pp. 97-110]
  • 8. Brief. [pp. 111-124]
  • 9. Brief. [pp. 125-138]
  • 10. Brief. [pp. 139-151]
  • 11. Brief. [pp. 153-165] + [table]
  • 12. Brief. [pp. 167-180]
  • 13. Brief. [pp. 181-194]
  • 14. Brief. [pp. 195-208]
  • 15. Brief. [pp. 209-222]
  • 16. Brief. [pp. 223-236]
  • 17. Brief. [pp. 237-248]
  • 18. Brief. [pp. 249-264]
  • 19. Brief. [pp. 265-278]
  • 20. Brief. [pp. 279-298]
  • 21. Brief. [pp. 299-312]
  • 22. Brief. [pp. 313-329]
  • 23. Brief. [pp. 331-349]
  • 24. Brief. [pp. 351-370]
  • 25. Brief. [pp. 371-384]

[Baumgartner, H., ed.] ‘Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Inhaltsverzeichnis zum Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Brief 1-25[8]‘ H. Baumgartner, (24a) Lüneberg, Wilsenbrucher Weg 88, undated[9]. Original thin card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. Contents printed in dual columns. [Pp. 3-22]

Baumgartner, Hans, ed. ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck Nr. 5:] Esoterische Astrologie im Geiste des Wassermann – Eine kritische Betrachtung darüber – – was bischer in theosophischer Meditation (gottesweiser Versenkung) unter dieser “Astrologie für Eingeweihte” verstanden wurde – – – was davon unwissenschaftlich und nur Offenbarungsglaube ist – – – und was davon wert ist, in Nietzsches Sinne Grundlage einer vernunftgemäßen kosmischen Religionsphilosophie des Wassermann-Zeitalters zu werden’ Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), undated[10]. Original card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. Contents from pp. 3-79 printed in dual columns. [Front cover backed with advertisement] + [1] + [pp. 2-83] + [1 page of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

[Baumgartner, H. ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien, Sonderdruck 12:] Fixsterne in der politischen Astrologie – Anlage: Genaue Fixsterntabellen’ Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[11]. Apparent later photocopy of 2-panel double-sided fold-out “Fixstern-Tabelle”[12] laid in. Original card covers. [1] + [pp. 2-16] + [pp. 17-21 of tables] + [pp. 22-4] + [pp. 1-15 of advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 2-15 of advertisements] + [1 page of advertisements]

[Baumgartner, H. ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien, Sonderdruck 11:] Die Fixsterne und ihre Deutung in der Geburts-Astrologie – mit beigegebenen genauen Fixstern-Tabellen’ Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[13]. With 2-panel double-sided fold-out “Fixstern-Tabelle” laid in loose, as issued. Original card covers. (Former owner’s red-inked marginal line to p. 16. Red marginal arrows to separate fixed star table.) [1] + [pp. 2-25] + [p. 26 of advertisements] + [pp. 27-84] + [rear cover backed with advertisements]

[Baumgartner, H., ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien, Sonderdruck 15:] Haus- und Gestirn- Deutungs-Tabellen nach Zeichenstand’ (inner title) / Horoskop-Deutung nach Zeichen – Die Wirkung der Tierkreiszeichen in der Geburts-Astrologie (front cover) – Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[14]. Original card covers. Pp. 22-54 printed in dual columns. (Previous owner’s faint red pencilled underlining to p. 15.) [1] + [pp. 2-56] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

[Baumgartner, Hermi, ed., presumed] ’[Astrologische Universal Harmonien Sonderdruck 69:] Häuser-Tabellen nach Placidus: vollständig abgedruckt für die +Breiten der ganzen Erde, durchschnittlich für jeden zweiten Breite-Grad von +2° bis +66° Breite[;] für ÷ Minus-Breite: mühelose Umrechnung’ (inner title) / ’Häuser-Tabellen für die Ganze Erde’ (front cover legend) – Baumgartner Verlag, D 3135 Warpke-Billerbeck, Han., undated[14a]. Original small-format card covers (slightly stained in places). [3] + [92 pages of tables] + [3] + [2 pages of advertisements]

[Baumgartner, H., ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal-Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie, Sonderdruck Nr. 4:] Die Lehre von den astrologischen Elektionen – Eine praktische Anleitung zur Ermittlung günstiger Zeitpunkte, die schon das Gelingen jeder Art Unternehmungen (Lotteri- Toto- und Glückspiel, Bewerbungen, Vertragsabschlüsse, Beteiligung, Eheschließung usw.) in sich tragen’ (inner title) / ‘Die Lehre von den astrologische Elektionen: Die Wahl des günstigen Tages für erfolgreich verlaufende Unternehmungen’ (front cover) – Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), undated[15]. Seven single-sided leaves of chart figures (Tafel I – Tafel VII) laid in loose, as issued. Original paper covers (light surface tearing towards top of spine). Staplebound pamphlet. Contents from pp. 3-36 printed in dual columns. [1] + [pp. 2-36]

[Baumgartner, Hans, presumed] ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien, Sonderdruck 40:] Quintessenzen der Horoskop-Deutung – An 10 praktischen Beispielen dargelegt’ Baumgartner-Verlag, (20a) Warpke-Billerbeck (Hann.), 1955. Original card covers. [1] + [pp. 2-56 (of which the final leaf, comprising pp. 55-6, has been detached along a perforated line provided but is present)] + [rear cover backed with advertisements]

[Baumgartner, Hans, ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien, Sonderdruck 16:] Schnittpunkt-Deutungs-Tabelle = Bedeutung der Planetenmittelpünkte = Planetenachsen – Anlage: Aspektring’ Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[16]. Sheet entitled “Aspektring Fig. 3f” laid in[17], as issued. Original card covers. (Some pale red underlining to pp. 3 and 5.) [1] + [pp. 2-60] + [pp. 61-4 of advertisements] + [pp. 1-15 of advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [pp. 2-15 of advertisements] + [1 page of advertisements]

Baumgartner, Hans, ed. ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien, Sonderdruck Nr. 19:] Geographische Positions-Tabelle mit Städte u. Länder-Aszendenten: Tabellen der geographischen Positionen der 550 wichtigsten Städte der Welt und ihre Zuteilung zu den Tierkreiszeichen (also mit Angabe der Städte-Aszendenten)’ (inner title) / ‘Städte-Positionen – Städte Aszendenten’ (cover title) – Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke, Post Billerbeck / Hann., undated[18]. Two varient printings with different cover designs. Copy A: Original pictorial textured thin card covers (some signatures loose but present). Copy B (= later reprint): Original card covers. Both copies: Staplebound pamphlet. Copy A: [Front cover backed with advertisement] + [1] + [pp. 2-6] + [pp. 7-24 of tables] + [pp. 25-30] + [6 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]. Copy B: [1] + [pp. 2-6] + [pp. 7-24 of tables] + [pp. 25-30] + [6 pages of advertisements]

Baumgartner, Hans, ed. ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien: Ein Fernlehrgang der Astrologie,  Sonderdruck 9:] Tabellen zur Planetendeutung nach Häuserstand und Häuser-herrschaft – Die wichtigsten Deutungsgrundlagen eines Horoskop[e]s’ Verlag Hans Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke (Post Billerbeck / Hann.), undated[19]. Original textured card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [1] + [pp. 2-64] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

[Baumgartner, H., ed.] ‘[Astrologische Universal Harmonien, Sonderdruck 18:] Welche Gestirn-Konstellationen haben Erfolgreiche? (Glücks- und Unglückssterne) 324 vollständige Abdrucke bemerkenswerter Horoskope’ Verlag Baumgartner, (20a) Warpke-Billerbeck (Hann.), 1952. Photocopy of errata page marked “102” laid in. Original thin card covers with cloth spine. [2] + 89 + [pp. 90-100 of tables] + [p. 101] + [pp. i-xii of advertisements] + [4 pages of order forms]

Baumgartner, H. – see also under Schepper, Dr. H., below

Bayer, George; intr. / ed. Mack, Donald ‘[Investment Greats[20]:] George Wollsten: Expert Stock and Grain Trader’ Pearson Education Ltd.[21], Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, 1999[22]. Cloth in dj. [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-xv] + [pp. xvii-xxxi] + [p. xxxiii] + [p. xxxv] + 220 + [3-panel wide fold-out graph] + [pp. 221-240]

Bayer, George ‘Stock and Commodity Traders’ Hand-Book of Trend Determination – Secrets of Forecasting Values – Especially Commodities Including Stocks’ [Ballantrae Reprint], no place stated, undated[23]. Large-format laminated card covers. Bound by plastic comb threaded through holes punched in inner margins. Main contents printed in dual columns. [2 leaves] + [pp. 3-51]

Bayer, George ‘Turning Four Hundred Years of Astrology to Practical Use and Other Matters’ [Ballantrae Reprint], no place stated, undated[24]. Laminated card covers. Bound by plastic comb threaded through holes punched in inner margins. [3 leaves] + [5] + 184

Bayer, Dr. Karl Th. ‘Astrologie ist Wissenschaft’ 2. Auflage – Drück und Verlagsanstalt Hans Baumgartner, 20a Warpke-Billerbeck, Hann., undated[25]. Original quarter-cloth with paper-covered boards. [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-ix] + [pp. xi-xii] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-18] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 21-45] + [pp. 47-75] + [2] + [pp. 79-83] + [pp. 85-119] + [pp. 121-9] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 133-9] + [pp. 141-151] + [2] + [pp. 155-169] + [pp. 171-7] + [1] + [pp. 179-183] + [1 page of advertisements]

Bayer, Dr. Karl Th. ‘Die Grundprobleme der Astrologie [Wissen und Forschen Schriften zur Einführung in die Philosophie Band 21]’ Felix Meiner Verlag, Leipzig, 1927. Original cloth. [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-ix] + [pp. xi-xii] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-18] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 21-45] + [pp. 47-75] + [2] + [pp. 79-83] + [pp. 85-119] + [pp. 121-9] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 133-9] + [pp. 141-151] + [2] + [pp. 155-169] + [pp. 171-7] + [pp. 179-183]


[1] DNB gives 1951. However, this copy is bound in covers that feature a list of the first 56 titles in the series, suggesting a somewhat later printing or at least binding

[2] Swiss library records give 1949 for the original three-brochure edtiion, of whith this is an undated combined reprint, quite possibly from as late as the 1970s or 1980s in view of the fresh condition

[3] Not found in German library records. Estimated 1947-8 in its original printing. It must logically have predated the Sonderdruck series that arose from it, the earliest example of which is from 1948

[4] The total price quoted was just DM 30

[5] The follow-up publications to the 1. Brief listed above

[6] Not found in German library records. From contextual evidence, such as the earliest issues of “Der Auskunftsbogen” being laid into them, they can be presumed to date from approx. 1947-9

[7] The pagination appears to presume that the contents of the 1. Brief had been spread over A4-sized sheets like these instead of the A5 pages that were actually used, and thus its allocated page count has been retrospectively halved

[8] An index to the above

[9] Presumed 1948-9

[10] DNB gives 1948. This copy includes advertisements for slightly later issues in the series and must have been bound up in the early-mid 1950s

[11] DNB gives 1952

[12] It is identical to the original one issued with Sonderdruck Nr. 11, q. v. immediately below

[13] DNB gives 1951

[14] DNB gives 1952, but this copy has advertising up to Nr. 46 on the inside of the rear cover, suggesting a later printing or at least binding

[14a] Worldcat records give 1968

[15] DNB records give 1948

[16] DNB gives 1951. The advertising bound in with this copy runs to Sonderdruck 26, while stating that Sonderdruck 27 is in press, which dates this copy in all probability to 1953

[17] The apparently blank central section has been cut out of this copy

[18] A previous owner’s pencilled dating indicates 1952, but DNB gives 1953

[19] DNB gives 1951

[20] Billed as being a series edited by Donald Mack, who is described as an ‘experienced US trader and renowned investment book expert’

[21] The title page and dj front cover also bear insignia of Financial Times (newspaper) with ‘Prentice Hall’ printed on them.

[22] The date of the original edition is given as 1946.

[23] A facsimile reprint of the original published by the author, Carlmel, California, itself undated but  shown from library records to have been published in 1940

[24] A  facsimile reprint, issued early-mid 2000s, of the original published by an unspecified publisher, 1943. Worldcat records fail to identify the original publisher

[25] Presumed to date from the 1950s. German and Swiss library records estimate either 1950 or 1951, but the DNB does not have it. Appears a misleadingly retitled facsimile reprint of the 1927 book by the author shown below

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