Bibliography of Astrology Page 91:
Hübner: Grade – Ibn Asim

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentare:] Grade und Gradbezirke der Tierkreiszeichen: der Anonyme Traktat de Stellis Fixis, in Quibus Gradibus Oriuntur Signorum – I: Quellenkritische Edition[1]’ B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart und Leipzig, 1995. This copy signed by the author to ffep in dedication to an unidentified recipient: “Mit herzlichen Dank für Ihre Gästfreundschaft am 30.4.1995, W. Hübner”. Cloth. [3] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 7-35] + [2] + [pp. 38-107] + [2] + [pp. 110-163] + [2] + [pp. 166-191] + [2] + [pp. 194-241] + [2] + [pp. 244-261] + [2] + [pp. 264-5] + [3 pages of advertisements]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentare:] Grade und Gradbezirke der Tierkreiszeichen: der Anonyme Traktat de Stellis Fixis, in Quibus Gradibus Oriuntur Signorum – II: Kommentar[2]’ B. G. Teubner, Stuttgart und Leipzig, 1995. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine hinges and some outer corners of boards). [3] + [1 leaf] + 221 + [1] + [pp. 223-272] + [2 pages of advertisements]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Gratia: Tübinger Schriften zur Renaissanceforschung und Kulturwissenschaft[3] Band 49:] Körper und Kosmos: Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der zodiakalen Melothesie’ Harrassowitz Verlag / Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden, 2013. Paper-covered boards. [4] + [pp. vii-ix] + 39 + [pp. 41-285] + [pp. 287-379] + [1] + [30 pages of colour plates] + [2 pages of advertisements]

Hübner, W. ‘Manilius als Astrologe und Dichter[4]in ‘Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der Neueren Forschung II[5], Zweiunddreissigster Band (1. Teilband): Sprach und Literatur (Literatur der Julisch-Claudischen und der Flavischen Zeit)’ Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin 30, Germany, 1984. Cloth in dj (additional publisher’s label adhered over lower part of spine and glued down to inner margins of covers with clear tape, presumed as issued). [4] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-xi] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 3-124] + [pp. 126-204] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [pp. 207-212] + [2-panel fold-out page of colour plates] + [pp. 213-601] + [pp. 603-650] + [2 pages of advertisements]. [Front and rear dj flaps with further advertisements]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare:] Manilius Astronomica, Buch V – Band 1: Einführung, Text und Übersetzung[6]‘ Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, 2010. Lightly textured paper-covered boards. [4] + [pp. v-x] + 303 + [1 leaf] + [4 pages of colour plates]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare:] Manilius Astronomica, Buch V – Band 2: Kommentar[7]‘ Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, 2010. Lightly textured paper-covered boards. [4] + 450

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘Die Paranatellonten im Liber Hermetis’ Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden, 1975[8]. No covers. Strip of plain paper wrapped around inner margins as spine. [Pp. 387-414]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Beiträge zur Altertumskunde[9], Band 194:] Raum, Zeit und Soziales Rollenspiel der Vier Kardinalpunkte in der Antiken Katarchenhoroskopie’ K. G. Saur Verlag GmbH, Munchen / Leipzig, 2003. Cloth. [6] + [pp. 7-335] + [1 page of advertisements]

Hübner, Wolfgang ‘[Beiträge zur Klassischen Philologie[10], Heft 144:] Zodiacus Christianus: Jüdische-christliche Adaptionen des Tierkreises von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart’ Verlag Anton Hain Meisenheim GmbH, Königstein / Ts., 1983. Textured card covers. [4] + [p. 5] + [1] + [pp. 7-71] + [pp. 72-3 of tables] + [pp. 74-89] + [pp. 90-1 of tables] + [pp. 92-103] + [pp. 104-8 of tables] + [pp. 109-123] + [pp. 124-5 of tables] + [pp. 126-139] + [pp. 140-1 of tables] + [pp. 142-238] + [2 pages of advertisements]

Hübner, Wolfgang – Cache of academic offprints, photocopies and book reviews from the collection of the late Paul Kunitzsch, many hand-signed by Hübner, comprising:

  • ’A. E. Housman and the ”sectarius vervex”’ in Vichiana: rassegna di studi filologici e storici, 4a Serie, Anno XII, 1/2010 – Loffredo Editore, Napoli, [2010]. Disbound looseleaf photocopy, held by a paper clip. [Pp. 28-35]
  • ’André Le Boeuffle: Astronomie, Astrologie. Lexique latin. Paris: Picard 1987’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 60, 1988 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1988]. Signed by author in pencil, 24.1.89. Paper covers. [Pp. 509-516]
  • ’André Le Boeuffle: Le Ciel des Romains. Paris: de Boccard, 1989’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 63, 1991 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1991]. Paper covers. [Pp. 305-9]
  • ’André Le Boeuffle: Les noms latins d’astres et de constellations. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1977’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 54, 1982 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1982]. Signed by author in pencil, 8.3.83. Paper covers. [Pp. 720-5]
  • ’Ann Geneva, Astrology and the Seventeenth Century Mind. William Lilly and the Language of the Stars, ser. Social and cultural values in early modern Europe (Manchester and New York: University of Manchester Press, 1995)’ in International Journal of the Classical Tradition 6.2 (Fall 1999). This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 26.10.2000. Paper covers. Bound by single staple at corner. [Pp. 243-251]
  • ’Antike in der Astrologie der Gegenwart’ in Ludwig, Walther, ed. ’Die Antike in der europäischen Gegenwart’ – Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1993. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 1.11.93. Photocopy of volume title page and table of contents laid in on smaller paper. No covers. Bound by glue to spine. [Pp. 103-124] + [p. 179 of monochrome illustration]
  • ’Anubio, Carmen astrologicum elegiacum. Recensuit Dirk Obbink. München / Leipzig: Saur, 2006’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 80, 2008 – Verlag C. H. Beck, München, [2008]. Paper covers. [Pp. 682-5]
  • ’L’Astrologie dans l’Antiquité’ in Pallas t. XXX, 1983. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 2.2.84. Separate offprint of Résumés d’Auteur section of same volume, under matching binding, laid with. Blank paper front cover only. Bound by staples through inner margins. Hübner article: 24pp. Résumés: [Pp. 135-9]
  • ’Die Astrologie der Antike’ in Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 8 (1985) – VCH Verlagesgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim, 1985. This copy signed in pencil by Hübner, 12.5.85. No covers. Bound by textured tape glued down around spine. [Pp. 7-24]
  • ’Astrologie et mythologie dans la Tétrabible de Ptolémée d’Alexandrie’ in ’[Centre Jean-Palerne, Mémoires, 16:] Sciences Exactes et Sciences Appliquées à Alexandrie (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. – Ier siècle ap. J.-C.): Actes du Colloque International de Saint-Étienne (6-8 juin 1996)’ – Publications de l’Université de Saint-Étienne, [1998]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 5.8.1998. Glossy paper covers. Bound by staples through inner margins. [Pp. 325-345]
  • ’Astrologie in der Renaissance’ in Zukunftsvoraussagen in der Renaissance – Harrassowitz Verlag in Kommission [2005]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 16.12.05. Paper covers (light wear to extremities of spine). [Pp. 241-279]
  • ’Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus (P. Oxy. 4133-4300a). Edited with Translations and Commentaries by Alexander Jones. Volumes I and II. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 233) Philadelphia, 1999’ in Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 24 (2001). Single-sheet photocopy. [Pp. 65-6]
  • ’B[artel] L[eendert] van der Waerden: Die Astronomie der Griechen. Eine Einführung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 61, 1989 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1989]. Signed by author in pencil, 4.2.1990. Paper covers. [Pp. 494-500]
  • ’Burkhard Meissner, Die technologische Fachliteratur der Antike’ in Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen Unter Aufsicht der Akademie der Wissenschaften – 254. Jahrgang, Heft 1/2 – Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, 2002. Paper covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 18-27]
  • ’Capella = Μαζός?’ in Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 119. Band, 1991, Heft 3 – Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, [1991]. Paper covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 356-366]
  • ’Die Christianiserung der Sternbilder in Schickards »Astroscopium«’ in Seck, Friedrich, ed. ’[Contubernium: Tübinger Beiträge zur Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Band 41:] Zum 400. Geburtstag von Wilhelm Schickard: Zweites Tübinger Schickard-Symposion 25. Bis 27. Juni 1992’ Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen, 1995. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 6.4.95. Thin card covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 131-150]
  • ’La Constellation de la Flèche chez Prudence’ – in Pallas, 66, 2004. Signed by author in pencil, 20.1.05. Looseleaf custom photocopy. [1] + [pp. 26-36]
  • ’Corpore Semifero: Ekphrasis oder Metamorphose des Steinbocks?’ in Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 108. Band, 1980, Heft 1, 1. Quartal – Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden, 1980. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 18.4.80. Paper covers. [Pp. 73-83]
  • ’David Edwin Pingree’ in MHNH, 6 (2006). This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 24.11.06. No covers. Bound by single staple. [Pp. 3-12]
  • ’De Sénèque à Pétrone”: Uses of syncrisis in Europe from the 16th to the 18th Century” in Classical and Modern Literature, 24/1 (2004). This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 4.10.04. No covers. Bound by staple through corner. [Pp. 39-60]
  • ’Der verinnerlichte Himmel: Zu Giordano Brunos Spaccio de labestia trionfante’ – in Leeker, Joachim; Leeker Elisabeth, ed. ’Text – Interpretation – Vergleich: Festschrift für Manfred Lentzen zum 65. Geburtstag’ Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co., Berlin, 2005. Signed by author in pencil, 13.8.05. Looseleaf custom photocopy. [2] + [pp. v-ix] + [pp. 306-333] + [monochrome photograph]
  • ’Les Divinités Planétaires de la Dodécatropos’ [in Bakhouche, Béatrice et al., Les Astres, Vol. 1, 1996]. No covers. Bound by glue to spine (weakening between some leaves; reprodution of volume cover detached from text leaves). [pp. 307-317]
  • ’Die Dodekatropos des Manilius (Manil. 2, 856-967)’ in Döring, Klaus; Herzhoff, Bernhard; Wöhrle, Georg, eds. ’Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band 6’ – Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1996. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 30.7.1996. No covers. Bound by single staple to corner. [Pp. 73-87]
  • ’Dorothée de Sidon: l’édition de David Pingree’ in Boehm, Isabelle; Hübner, Wolfgang, eds., ’La Poésie astrologique dans l’Antiquité’ – Diffusion Librairie de Boccard, 11, rue Médicis, Paris, 2011. This copy signed by author in pencil to title page, 14.01.12. Paper covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [Pp. 115-133]
  • ’Ein Sternbild zuviel. Zu einem neuentdeckten Lehrgedicht aus dem 13. Jahrhundert’ in Sudhoffs Archiv, Band 93, Heft 1 (2009) – Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, [2009]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 11.09.09. No covers. Appears glued at spine. [Pp. 83-6.]
  • ’Eine Unbeachtete Zodiakale Melothesie bei Vettius Valens’ in Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Neue Folge, 120. Band, Heft 3 und 4, 1977 – J. D. Sauerländer’s Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, [1977]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page. Paper covers. [Pp. 247-254]
  • ’Emilie Boer’ in [Gnonom 52, 1980]. Separate unsigned account of Boer’s life on 5 single-sided sheets of typescript successfully numbered 1-5 laid in. Single disbound 4-page gathering. [Pp. 601-4]
  • ’Ergänzung eines Astrologentextes’ in Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines, Tome XLVI (1976),Fascicule 2 – Fondation Byzantine, Bruxelles, 1977. Paper covers. [Pp. 368-374]
  • ’Franco Bellandi, Emanuele Berti, Maurizio Ciappi: Iustissima Virgo. Il mito della Vergine in Germanico einAvieno (Saggio di commentoa Germanico Arati Phaen. 96-138 e Avieno Arati Phaen. 273-352). Pisa: Giardini editori, 2001’ in [Gnonom, Volume 76 (2004), Issue 6]. No covers. Pp. 507-10
  • ’Die Geometrische Theologie des Philolaos’ in Philologus: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Band 124 – Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1980. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 27.11.80. Card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [Pp. 18-32]
  • ’Geographischer und astrologischer Zonenbegriff in der Antike’ in Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 24 (2001) – Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, 2001. This copy signed by Hübner in presentation to Paul Kunitzsch, 13.7.2001. No covers. Bound by glue at spine. [Pp. 13-28]
  • ’Ghislaine Viré: Informatique et classement des manuscrits. Essai méthodologique sur le ’de astronomia’ d’Hygin. Brüssel: Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 1986’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 61, 1989 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1989]. Paper covers. [Pp. 587-91]
  • ’”Herakles-Orion”?’ in Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Folge, Band 22, 1998 – Kommissionsverlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Würtzburg, [1998]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 1.1.99. Textured card covers. Bound by glue at spine. [Pp. 141-5]
  • ’Himmel und Erdvermessung’ in Behrends, Okko; Colognesi, Luigi Capogrossi ’Die römische Feldmeßkunst: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu ihrer Bedeutung für die Zivilisationsgeschichte Roms’ – Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, 1992. This copy signed by author in pencil to title page, 11.11.1992. Paper covers. [Pp. 140-171]
  • ’Das Horoskop der Christen (Zeno 1.38 L.)’ in Vigiliae Christianae, Volume 29, no. 2, June 1975 – North-Holland Publishing Company, Amstrerdam, 1975. This copy signed by author in pencil to first internal page, 17.9.75. Thin card covers. Bound by staples through inner margins. [Pp. 120-137]
  • ’Hygin, L’Astromonie. Texte établi et traduit par André Le Boeuffle. Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1983’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 56, 1984 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1984]. Signed by author in pencil, 12.2.85. Paper covers. [Pp. 503-8]
  • ’Hygini De astronomia. Edidit Ghislaine Viré. Stuttgart / Leipzig: Teubner, 1992’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 67, 1995 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1995]. Signed by author to first internal page in pencil, 23.6.95. Paper covers. [Pp. 315-22]
  • ’L’Iconographie du ciel étoilé des Anciens’ in Pallas: Revue d’Études Antiques, 69, 2005. This copy signed by author in pencil to top of first internal page, 16.12.05. Glossy paper covers. No spine. Bound by staples through inner margins. [Pp. 233-246]
  • ’Integritas’ – in Mayer, Cornelius, ed. ’Augustinus-Lexikon’ Vol. 3 Fasc. 5/6: Institutio-institutum – Liber (libellus)’ Schwabe, Basel, 2008. Signed by author in ink, 25.7.09. Large-format card covers. No spine (pages held by glue). [Columns 643-6]
  • ’Josephe-Henriette Abry (1944-2008)’ in MHNH, 8 (2008). This copy signed by author in pencil, 19.05.09. No covers. Bound by single staple. [Pp. 3-9]
  • ’Katharina Volk: Manilius and his Intellectual Background. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 82, 2010 – Verlag C. H. Beck, München, [2010]. Signed by author in pencil, 8.8.2010. Paper covers. [Pp. 415-9]
  • ’Krankheit und Heilung in der antiken Asrologie’ in Fiederutz-Laun, A.; Pera, F.; Peuker, E. T.; Diderich, F., eds. ’Zur Akzeptanz von Magie, Religion und Wissenschaft: Ein medizinethnologisches Symposium der Institute für Ethnologie und Anatomie’ Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, undated. No covers. Looseleaf photocopy bound by single staple at corner. [Pp. 219-233]
  • ’Kritische Bemerkungen zu zwei Texten über die Sonnenbewegung’ in Centaurus, Vol. XVII – Munksgaard, Copenhagen, [1973]. Paper covers. Bound by staples through inner margins. [Pp. 253-9]
  • ’Liber (Libellus)’ – in Mayer, Cornelius, ed. ’Augustinus-Lexikon Vol. 3 Fasc. 5/6: Institutio-institutum – Liber (libellus)’ Schwabe, Basel, 2008. Large-format card covers. No spine (pages held together by glue). [Columns 954-960]
  • ’Die Lyra Cosmica des Eratosthenes: das neunte Sternbild der Musen mit neun Sternen und neun Saiten’ in Museum Helveticum: Schweizer Zeitschrift für klassische Altertumswissenschaft, 55. Jahrgang, 1998 – Schwabe & Co AG Verlag, Basel, [1998]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 25.7.1998. Paper covers integrating title page. [Pp. 84-111]
  • ’M. Annaei Lucani Belli civilis liber septimus. Indrod., testo e comm. a cura di Donato Gagliardi. Firenze: ’La Nuova Italia’, 1975’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 50, 1978 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1978]. Signed by author in pencil, 24.7.78. Paper covers. [Pp. 147-151]
  • ’M. Manilii Astronomica. Edidit George P[atrick] Goold. Leipzig: BSB Teubner, 1985’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 59, 1987 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1987]. Signed by author in pencil, 23.6.87. Paper covers. [Pp. 21-32]
  • ’M. Manilio: Astronomica, libri I e II. A cura di Dora Liuzzi. Lecce: Milella, 1983’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 57, 1985 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1985]. Signed by author in pencil, 5.7.85. Paper covers. [Pp. 138-141]
  • ’M. Manilius. [Imprimendum curavit Fabricius Serra.] Pisa: Giardini, 1975’ in Gnonom, [5. Bad., H. 3, Jun.] 1978. No covers. Pp. 308-10
  • ’Manilio e Teucro di Babilonia’ in ’Manilio fra Poesia e Scienza’ – Congedo Editore, 1993. Photocopy of volume table of contents laid in. Thin card covers. [Pp. 21-40]
  • ’Manilius, Astronomica with an English Translation by G[eorge] P[atrick] Goold. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP; London: Heimemann, 1977’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 52, 1980 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1980]. Signed by author in pencil, 22.10.80. Paper covers. [Pp. 11-15]
  • ’Manilius: le poète impliqué’ in Perez Jimenez, A.; Caballero, R., eds., ’Homo Mathematicus’, 2002. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil in presentation to Paul Kunitzsch, 15.10.2002. Separate typed standard letter by Hübner on letter paper personalised to Hübner’s professorship at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Institut für Altertumskunde, this copy addressed to Dr. Paul Kunitzsch at Institut für Semitistik, München, laid in, together with printed errata slip to whole volume ’Homo Mathematicus’. No covers. Bound by glue at spine (loosening between some leaves). Some colour plates in text. [Pp. 53-71]
  • ’Martin Sicherl (1914-2009) – Seine Wissenschaftlichen Anfänge’ in MHNH, 10 (2010). Disbound looseleaf photocopy, held by a paper clip. [Pp. 3-12]
  • ’Nereide oder Nereus in der ’Sphaera Barbarica’?’ in Wiener Studien: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, Patristik und Lateinische Tradition, Band 109 (1996) – Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, [1996]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 5.3.1996. Paper covers integrating volume table of contents. Bound by glued tape wrapped around spine. [Pp. 119-131]
  • ’Noch Einmal: Ruit Oceano Nox (Verg. Aen. 2,250)’ in Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, Tomus XXXIII, 1997 – Debrecini, 1998. Signed by author in pencil, 6.9.99. Separate printed Berichtigungsliste on two single-sided A4 leaves stapled together at one corner laid in. Thin card covers. [Pp. 189-201]
  • ’Noch Einmal zum Titel von Boccaccios Genealogia’ in Neulatinisches Jahrbuch Band 4, 2002 – Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim / Zürich / New York, 2002. Signed by Hübner in pencil to reproduced title page, 17.12.02. Photocopy on single-sided leaves with two original pages per page. Bound by single staple at corner. [Pp. 323-5]
  • ‘Die Paranatellonten im Liber Hermetis’[10a] in Sudhoffs Archiv, Band 59, Heft 4 (1975) – Franz Steiner Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden, [1975]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 4.1.76. No covers. Paper strip glued down around inner margins. [Pp. 387-414]
  • ’Perseus, Eridanus und Cola Piscis unter den Sternbildern in Pontanos Urania’ in Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, Vol. XXVIII-1979 – Leuven University Press, [1979]. Paper covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 139-166]
  • ’Privates och Öffentliches Horoskop’ in Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft, neue Folge, Band 35, 2011 – Kommissionsverlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Würzburg, [2011]. This copy signed by author to first internal page, 6.2.12. Textured card covers integrating title page and table of contents. Textured tape wrapped around and glued down to spine and inner margins. [Pp. 33-59]
  • ’The Ptolemaic View of the Universe’ in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 41 (2000), 2001. This copy signed by author in pencil, 10.2.2002. No covers. Bound by single staple to corner. [Pp. 59-93]
  • ’Die Rezeption des Astrologischen Lehrgedichts des Mailius in der Italienischen Renaissance’ in Beiträge für Humanismusforschung Band VI – Harald Bolt Verlag, Boppard, undated. This copy signed in pencil by Hübner, 24.4.80. Paper covers. [Pp. 39-67]
  • ’Die Rezeption der Phainomena Arats in der Lateinischen Literatur’ in Horster, Marietta; Reitz, Christiane, eds. ’Wissensvermittlung in dichterischer Gestalt’ – Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2005. Photocopy bound by staples through inner margins. No covers. [Pp. 133-152] + [pp. 153-4 of illustrations]
  • ’Sorex und bubo (Nachtrag zu: Saurix – ein Vogel? Glotta 47, 1969, 266-279)’ in Glotta: Zeitschrift für Grieckishce et lateinische Spracke, XLIX. Band 1971, Heft 1-2 – Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in Göttingen, [1971]. Paper covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 147-9]
  • ’Das Sternbild der Waage bei den römischen Dichtern’ in Antike und Abendland: Beiträge zum Verständnis der Griechen und Römer und ihres Nachlebens, Band XXIII/1 – Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York, 1977. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 1/7/77. Paper covers integrating volume table of contents. [Pp. 50-63]
  • ’Das Sternbild des Dreiecks bei Manilius (1,351-354)’ in Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie, 133. Jahrgang, 2005, Heft 4 – Franz Steiner Verlag, no place stated, [2005]. Paper covers integrating title page. [Pp. 475-485] + [1]
  • ’Das Sternbild Lynchnos’ in Lychnos: Lärdomshistoriska Samfundets Årsbok, 1987 – Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm, [1987]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 4.7.88. Paper covers. Bound by staples through inner margins. 13pp
  • ’Sulla’s Horoscope? (Firm. math. 6,31,1)’ in Oestmann, Günther; Rutkin, H. Darrel and von Stuckrad, Kocku, ’Horoscopes and Public Spheres: Essays on the History of Astrology’ – Walter de Gruyter (2005). Signed by Hübner to reproduction of title page, 10.02.06. Disbound looseleaf photocopy. [Pp. 13-35]
  • ’Supplementum adnotationum super Lucanum. I: Libri I-V. Ed. G. A. Cavajoni. Milano: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1979’ in Gnomon: Kritische Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Klassische Altertumswissenschaft, Band 53, 1981 – C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München, [1981]. Paper covers. [Pp. 236-9]
  • ’Das Thema der Reise in der antiken Astrologie’ in Pallas 59, 2002. Photocopy on A4 paper. Bound by single staple at corner. (Final leaf detached from staple.) [Pp. 27-54]
  • ’Der Tierkreis in der Psalmenmagie’ [in Ritual und Poesie, 2003]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 11.7.03. No covers. Glue-bound to spine. [Pp. 293-319]
  • ’Tierkreiszeichen, Himmelsrichtungen, Säfte, Buchstaben und die sieben Zonen bei Abraham ibn Ezra’ in Althoff, Jochen; Herzhoff, Bernhard; Wöhrle, Georg, eds. ’Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption’ [2002]. Textured paper covers with silver print. No spine. Bound by single staple to corner. [Pp. 111-128]
  • ’Triste Minervae Sidus (Verg. Aen.11,259F)’ – in MHNH, 5 (2005), pp. 177-188. Signed by author in pencil, 9. 11. 05. Looseleaf offprint bound by single staple at corner
  • ’Tropes and Figures: Manilian style as a reflection of astrological traiditon’ in Green, Steven J. And Volk, Katharina ’Forgotten Stars: Rediscovering Manilius’ Astronomica’ [Oxford University Press, 2011]. Disbound looseleaf photocopy on single-sided leaves with two pages of original text per page, held by paper clip. [Pp. 141-164]
  • ’The Tropical Points of the Zodiacal Year and the Paranatellonta in Manilius’ Astronomica’ in Culture and Cosmos, Vol. 11 no. 1 and 2, Spring / Summer and Autumn / Winter 2007. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 2008. No covers. Bound by single staple. [Pp. 87-109]
  • ’Über einige verschieden gelesene Varianten der ”Apotelesmatica” des Ptolemaeus im Codex Vaticanus gr. 1038’ in Edition: Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft, 7/1993. This copy signed by author in pencil to front cover, 8.11.93. Paper covers. [Pp. 258-262]
  • ’Uranoscopus: Der Verstirnte Sterngucker’ in Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Neue Folge, 133. Band, Heft 3-4, 1990 – J. D. Sauerländers Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, [1990]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 28.5.91. Paper covers. [Pp. 264-274]
  • ’Verse über den Tierkreis in einem Zodiologion aus Gerona’ in Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch: Internationale Zeitschrift für Mediävistik und Humanismusforschung, Band 34, Jahrgang 1999, 1. Halbband – Anton Hiersemann Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to first internal page, 30.6.99. Card covers integrating title page. [Pp. 77-87] + [pp. 88-9 of monochome photographic facsimiles] + [pp. 90-9]
  • ’Die Vier Sterne des Dreiecks (Triangulum)’ in Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band XVI, 2006. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 22.07.2006. Paper covers. Bound by glue to spine (rear cover loosening). [Pp. 109-124]
  • ’Zur Ikonographie des Sternhimmels’ in Hübner, Wolfgang; Stähler, Klaus, eds., ’Ikonographie und Ikonologie: Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium, Münster, 2001’ UGARIT-Verlag, Münster, 2004. Paper covers integrating title page and table of contents. [Pp. 147-168]
  • ’Zur neuplatonischen Deutung und astrologischen Verwendung der Dodekaoros’ in Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums 1. Reihe, 4. Band: ΦΙΛΟΦΡΟΝΗΜΑ – Festschrift für Martin Sicherl zum 75. Geburtstag – Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn / München / Wien / Zürich, [1990]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 10.5.90. Printed addendum slip laid in. Matt paper covers integrating title page and volume table of contents. Subsurface staples through inner margins. [Pp. 73-99] + [pp. 100-3 of monochrome photographic illustrations].
  • ’Zur Paarweisen Anordnung der Monate in Ovids Fasten’ in Schubert, Werner, ed. ’Ovid: Werk und Wirkung – Festgabe für Michael von Albrecht zum 65. Geburtstag, Teil II’ – Peter Lang, 1998. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil to front cover, 19.12.1998. Paper covers. [Pp. 539-557]
  • ’Zur Verwendung und Umschreibung des Terminus ΩΡΟΣΚΟΠΟΣ in der Astrologischen Lehrdichtung der Antike’ – in MHNH, 1 (2001), pp. 219-238. Signed by author in pencil, 2.10.2001. Looseleaf offprint bound by single staple at corner
  • ’Zwei Greichische Texte Über die Tages- und Stundenherrscher’ in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Band 49, 1982 – Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn, [1982]. This copy signed by Hübner in pencil, 22.12.82. Paper covers. Contents printed in equal-spaced font. [Pp. 53-66]
  • ’Zψδια φωνήεντα – Die ’stimmhaften’ Tierkreiszeichen’ in Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classische [28 (1976)] – Cappelli Editore, [1976]. Paper covers. [Pp. 121-4]
  • [Original printed invitation slip from Professor Dr. Josef Becker and Professor Dr. Jürgen Schäfer to Hübner’s reading of his lecture ’Autobiographie und Metamorphose’ on 22. Juli 1985 at Augsburg Universität, on textured card]
  • [Photocopy of printed invitation slip from Das Institut für Klassische Philologie to Hübner’s lecture ’Religion und Wissenschaft in der Antiken Astrologie’ to be held 11. Dezember 1985]

Hübner, Wolfgang – see also under Boehm, Isabelle, above; and under Ptolemaeus, Claudius below

Huckeby, E. Dale ‘Pluto: an Aspect Guide’ [Self-Published], no place stated, 1973. Card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [2] + iv + 5 + [pp. 7-13] + [pp. 15-17] + [pp. 19-26]

Hueber, Brigitte ’Empirische Untersuchung über den Gehalt astrologischer Symbolik in Übereinstimung mit erlebter Situation’ AV Akademikerverlag, ein imprint der ICS Morebooks! Marketing SRL, Bahnhofstraße 28, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, 2017. Matt card covers

Huff, Al ’Astrology: Fact or Fiction’ Createspace, no place stated, 2017. Outwardly glossy card covers (light wear to lower outer corners)

Hughes, Edw. M. ’The Layman’s Handbook on Numerology and Astrology’ Duarte Company, Lewiston, Maine, 1976. This copy hand-signed in ink by author in presentation to a friend to ffep. Cloth (heavily worn at top 2 cm  of rear hinge; patchy wear along top edge of rear board) with (somewhat faded) gilt titling to front board and spine). [2] + [2 leaves] + [2] + [pp. 3-4] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 7-8] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 9-21] + [pp. 23-69] + [pp. 71-7] + [pp. 79-87] + [2 pages of illustrations] + [pp. 91-3] + [pp. 94-106 of tables] + [pp. 107-143] + [pp. 144-205 of tables] + [pp. 207-221] + [1]

Hughes, Emylu Lander ‘A Book of Marriage Charts’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, Arizona, 1986

Hughes, Emylu Lander, PMAFA ’The Do-It-Yourself Aspect Book’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, Arizona, 1982. Outwardly originally glossy card covers. (Original purchaser’s inked presentation to a friend to upper margin of p. iii.)

Hughes, Mary N. ‘Forecasting with Diurnals: a Different Way of Looking at Transits’ Cosmic Publications, Marlboro, MA, 1993

Hughes, Robert A. ‘The Fateful Presidential Cycle: a Research Study into the Astrological Causes of the Deaths in Office of Seven Presidents of the United States of America’ American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., Tempe, AZ, 1988

Hughes, Robert A. ‘The Sun and Moon Polarity in Your Horoscope’ Current Printing – American Federation of Astrologers Inc., Tempe, AZ, 1988

Hugo of Santalla; ed. Burnett, Charles and Pingree, David ‘[Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts 26:] The Liber Aristotilis of Hugo of Santalla’ The Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London, 1997. Card covers. Printed on glossy paper throughout. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [6] + 299 + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Hungad, Temple ’A Brief History of Astrology’ T. Hungad, 527 Thurston Rd., Rochester, N. Y., copyrighted 1931[10b]. This copy hand-signed in blue ink by author to inside of front cover, in presentation to H. A. Macaulay, February 1932. Card covers (light wear to extremities of spine). Staplebound pamphlet. (Faint former stamp of Llewellyn Philosophical Research Foundation to inside of rear cover.) [2] + 13 + [1]

Hunger, Hermann ‘[State Archives of Assyria[11] Volume VIII:] Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings’ Helsinki University Press, 1992. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine hinges and outer corners of boards, except moderate wear to lower outer corner of rear board). Contents printed on slightly glossy paper throughout. [5] + [p. vii] + [p. ix] + [pp. xi-xxix] + [3] + [pp. 4-21] + [2] + [pp. 24-45] + [2] + [pp. 48-57] + [2] + [pp. 60-69] + [2] + [pp. 72-77] + [2] + [pp. 80-85] + [2] + [pp. 88-93] + [2] + [pp. 96-105] + [2] + [pp. 108-132] + [3] + [pp. 136-157] + [2] + [pp. 160-165] + [2] + [pp. 168-175] + [2] + [pp. 178-181] + [2] + [pp. 184-9] + [2] + [pp. 192-201] + [2] + [pp. 204-7] + [2] + [pp. 210-5] + [2] + [pp. 218-235] + [2] + [pp. 238-245] + [2] + [pp. 248-251] + [2] + [pp. 254-275] + [2] + [pp. 278-305] + [pp. 307-384] + [1] + [plates i-xv] + [1 page of advertisements]

Hunger, Hermann ’[Conference IsMEO, 10:] Astrology and Other Predictions in Mesopotamia: Mesopotamian Astrology in the Achaemenid and Hellenistic Periods’ Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Roma, 1997. Lightly textured card covers. [2] + [pp. 5-42] + [imprimatur]

Hunger, Hermann, ed.[11a] ’[Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 299. Band:] Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia Volume V: Lunar and Planetary Texts’ Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2001. Large-format printed matt paper-covered boards. Endpapers red. [1 leaf] + [2] + [2 leaves] + [pp. ix-xii] + [1] + [pp. 2-145] + [1] + [pp. 148-399] + [1 leaf on plate paper] + [plates 1-50]

Hunger, Hermann, ed.[11b] ’[Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 346. Band:] Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia Volume VI: Goal Year Texts’ Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2006. Large-format printed matt paper-covered boards (light scratch to part of rear board). [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [pp. vii-xviii] + [1] + [pp. 2-363] + [1] + [pp. 366-471] + [1 leaf] + [plates 1-73]

Hunger, Hermann, ed.[11c] ’[Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 466. Band:] Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia Volume VII: Almanacs and Normal Star Almanacs’ Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2014. Large-format printed matt paper-covered boards (two-inch scratch to blank inner margin of front board). [1 leaf] + [2] + [1 leaf] + [2] + [pp. ix-xxiv] + [1] + [pp. 2-239] + [1] + [pp. 242-287] + [1] + [pp. 290-447] + [1] + [pp. 450-7] + [1 leaf on plate paper] + [plates 1-123]

Hunger, Hermann and Dvorak, Rudolf ‘[Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, 155. Band / Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Geschichte der Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin Heft 37:] Ephemeriden von Sonne, Mond und hellen Planeten von -1000 bis -601’ Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1981. Card covers (5mm tear to top edge of front cover; light wear to extremities of spine hinges). [2] + [pp. 3-7] + [400 pages of tables]

Hunger, Hermann and Pingree, David ‘[Handbuch der Orientalistik / Handbook of Oriental Studies, Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und Mittlere Oesten / The Near and Middle East[12] – Vierundvierzigster Band:] Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia[13]’ Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, the Netherlands, 1999. Cloth in dj. [5] + [pp. vii-xv] + [pp. xvii-xviii] + 3 + [pp. 5-303] + [4 pages of advertisements]

Hunger, Hermann and Pingree, David, eds. ‘[Archiv fur Orientforschung[14]: Beiheft 24:] Mul.Apin: An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform’ Verlag Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Gesellschaft M. B. H., A-3580 Horn, Austria, 1989. A4-sized (but wider) card covers. Contents printed on glossy paper throughout. [Front cover backed with advertisements] + [3] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 3-123] + [pp. 125-164] + [plates i-xiii] + [plate xiiia] + [plates xiv-xxviii]

Hunger, Hermann and Steele, John ‘[Scientific Writings from the Ancient and Medieval World:[14a]] The Babylonian Astronomical Compendium MUL.APIN’ Routledge, 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 / 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY, 2019. Printed paper-covered boards (light wear to upper outer corner of front board; patch of wear towards top of outer edge of rear board). [4] + [pp. v-vi] + [2] + 130 + [1] + [pp. 132-165] + [3 pages of tables] + [pp. 169-172] + [3 pags of tables] + [pp. 176-223] + [7 pages of illustrations] + [pp. 231-245] + [1 page of advertisements]

Hünnebeck-Zimmermann, Liselotte, ed. ‘Astrologie: Bausteine aus Forschung und Praxis, Band 1’ Lehrian Verlag, Wittnau, 1987. Cloth in dj. [3 leaves] + [pp. 9-150]

Hunter, M. Kelley ‘Black Moon Lilith’ ACS Publications, San Diego, CA, 2000

Hunter, M. Kelley ’Black Moon Lilith’ American Federation of Astrologers Inc., Tempe, AZ, 2010

Hunter, M. Kelley ‘Living Lilith: Four Dimensions of the Cosmic Feminine’ The Wessex Astrologer Ltd. Bournemouth, 2009

Huntley, Janis ‘Astrological Voids: Exploring the Missing Components in the Birth Chart’ Reprinted – Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset / Boston, Massachusetts, 1998

Huntley, Janis ‘The Elements of Astrology’ This Edition – Element Books, Inc., Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1996

Hurtado, Manuel; King, Rozalia; Villegas, Alejo ‘You and the Zodiac’ First [English-language] Edition – Sociedad Zodiacal Panamericana, S. A., Mexico City, 1959[14b]. First Special Library Edition limited to 1000 hand-numbered copies, of which this is no. 952. Original large-format cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine; some staining to boards) in outwardly gold-effect dj (moderate wear to top of spine and tops of flap-folds; light wear to foot of front flap-fold; 2-inch tear to top of front hinge). Contents printed on glossy paper throughout. Printed gold-effect ffep + [4] + [1 leaf] + vii + 6 + [4-panel fold-out chart, colour-printed on one side] + [pp. 7-12] + [2-panel colour-printed fold-out chart] + [pp. 13-22] + [6-panel colour-printed fold-out chart] + [pp. 23-6] + [diagram] + [pp. 29-48] + [illustration] + [pp. 51-62] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 67-89] + [pp. 91-2 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 97-117] + [pp. 119-120 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 125-147] + [pp. 149-150 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 155-176] + [pp. 177-8 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 183-204] + [pp. 205-6 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 211-232] + [pp. 233-4 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 239-260] + [pp. 261-2 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 267-289] + [pp. 291-2 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 297-319] + [pp. 321-2 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [p. 327] + [pp. 329-352] + [pp. 353-4 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 359-384] + [pp. 385-6 of tables] + [coloured illustration] + [2] + [pp. 391-416] + [pp. 417-426 of tables] + [pp. 427-8] + [chart] + [pp. 430-447] + [pp. 449-450]

Hurtado Torres, Antonio ‘[Publicaciones del Institutio de Estudios Alicantinos Serie I, Numero 96:] La Astrologia en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro: Indice Bibliografico’ Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos, Excma. Diputacion Provincial de Alicante, address unclear, 1984. Card covers (moderate wear to spine hinges; some staining and creasing to covers). All text pages from p. 109 to p. 207 printed in dual columns. [3] + [2] + [pp. 9-11] + [pp. 13-103] + [pp. 105-7] + [pp. 109-203] + [pp. 205-7] + [pp. 209-11]

Huster, Karl Adolf; ed. Schwenke, Johannes ‘Die kosmisch-dynamische Sphärenlehre’ Band I (Die Arbeitsweise)’ Verlag: Kurt Hartmann, Dresden N 23, 1936. Complete with set of 12 plates on card in loose paper wrapper printed with index to them, nested in rear pocket; and separate pamphlet entitled “Anhang zum Lehrbuch der kosmisch-dynamishen Sphärenlehre”, as issued. Two-panel fold-out chart entitled “Kosmisch-dynamischer Sphärenspiegel, credited to the same publisher, laid in. Publisher’s errata slip also laid in. Further laid in, publisher’s three-page printed advertising brochure for the present vol., in duplicate, together with publisher’s special pre-release offer order form for it, also in duplicate. Lastly to note, a few former owner’s inked astrological notes on separate small sheets. Main vol.: Original woven cloth (light separation to lowest part of front inner paper hinge). Contents printed in gothic script throughout. (Former owner’s red-pencilled underlining and / or marginal lines to pp. 16-19; 39-42. Small blue inked annotations to p. 27; 55; 93; 98-9.) [2] + [pp. 3-124] + [1 page of advertisements] + [imprimatur]. Anhang: Original paper covers. Staplebound pamphlet. Contents printed in gothic script throughout. [Front cover backed with table of contents] + [pp. 1-24 of tables]

Hutcheon, Roger ‘Planetary Pictures in Declination’ Stated First Printing – A. T. S. Press (Astrological Technical Specialists), Cambridge, Mass., March 1976. Two copies. Card covers. Staplebound pamphlet. [3] + [5] + 31 pp

Huter, C. H. ‘Jesus und Sein Gestirn’ Heinrich Huter Verlag, Stuttgart, 1962. Original cloth. Main text contents in dual columns. [Frontis.] + [2] + [2 leaves] + [pp. 7-8] + [plate] + [p. 11] + [pp. 13-25] + [pp. 27-73] + [pp. 75-111] + [pp. 113-121]

Huter, C. H. ‘Kommende Ereignisse: Völker- und Menschenschicksale im Lichte kosmischer Gesetzmäßigkeit’ 30 – 55. Tasend – Verlag C. Hußla, Nürnberg, foreword dated Februar 1926[14c]. Original paper covers (heavy separation down front hinge; substantial chips lost from lower outer and inner corners of rear cover; light chipping to lower outer and inner corners of front cover) with taped spine. Subsurface staples through inner margins. Contents printed in gothic script throughout. (Former owner’s red marginal mark to p. 26.) [Front cover integrating title page] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 5-89] + [p. 91 of advertisements] + [2 pages of advertisements] + [rear cover featuring 2 pages of advertisements]

Huter, H. ‘Sterne und Liebesleben: Eine kosmophysiognomische Charakterkunde’ 3. Auflage / 26. – 35. Tausend – C. H. Huter, Verlag, Dresden A 24, 1939[15]. Original card covers (moderate wear to extremities of spine; light wear to outer corners of covers and surface of rear spine hinge; short tear to foot of front cover).  [2] + [pp. 3-63] + [p. 64 of advertisements]

Hutin, Serge ‘History of Astrology: Science or Superstition?’ Pyramid Communications Inc., 919 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y., 1972.[16] (Two copies.) Small-format card covers

Hyde, Maggie “Jung and Astrology” The Aquarian Press, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 77-85 Fulham Palamce Road, Hammersmith, London W6, 1992. Card covers (light edgewear). [1 leaf] + [4] + [pp. 7-232] + [1 leaf of advertisements] + [pp. 235-256]

Hyginus – see under Condos, Theony, above

Hyvrier, Sylviane ‘Astro-Économie, Mode d’Emploi’ Guy Trédaniel, Éditeur, Paris, 1998

Hyvrier, Sylviane ’Étude de la Psychologie des Marchés Financiers par l’Analyse du Champ Solaire: Conférence du CEDRA du 28 octobre 1996’ 27 quai Tilsitt, Lyon, undated[16a]. A4 thin card covers with clear plastic sheet over front cover. Bound by plastic comb threaded between many small holes through inner margins. (Former owner’s inked correction of typing errors to title on front cover.) Contents printed on single-sided leaves throughout. [1 leaf] + [leaves 1-13] + [leaves 14-15 of graphs] + [leaves 16-27] + [1 leaf] + [7 leaves of charts]

Hyvrier, Sylviane ’Wall Street ou L’Astrologie Financière: Conférence donnée à la Société Française d’Astrologie, 5, rue Las Cases, 75005 Paris, Le 11 janvier 1995 – S. Hyvrier, 244 av Louise, 1050-Bruxelles, undated[16b]Flexible oversized plastic binder with clear front cover (heavy chipping to outer corners of rear cover, with further tears and cuts in some edges of same). Bound by twin flexible metal protrusions threaded through holes punched in inner margins. Internally printed on single-sided A4 leaves throughout. [2 leaves] + [leaves 1-5] + [5 leaves of illustrations] + [leaves 6-7] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf 8] + [2 leaves of illustrations]+[leaf 9]+[5 leaves of illustrations] + [leaf 10] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaves 11-14] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf  15] + [2 leaves of illustrations] + [leaf 16] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf 17] + [2 leaves of illustrations] + [leaf 18] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf 19] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaves 20-1] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaves 22-3] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf 24] + [2 leaves of illustrations] + [leaf 25] + [1 leaf of illustrations] + [leaf 26] + [2 leaves of illustrations] + [leaf 27] + [2 leaves of illustrations] + [leaves 28-9]

Iacobi, Hermanus ’De Astrologiae Indicae, ’Horâ’ Appellatae Originibus. Accedunt Laghu-Jâtaki Capita Inedita III-XII. – Dissertatio Philologica quam Summorum in Philosophia Honorum Auctoritate Amplissimi Philosophorum Ordinis in Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana rite obtinendorum caussa una cum Sententiis Controversis Die XXIV. Mensis IVLII A. MDCCCLXXII Hora XI – Formis Caroli Georgi, Bonnae, 1872. This copy with former ownership stamp of Dr. C. Weidner to title page. Separate string-bound gathering of 9 pages of scholarly ink manuscript notes in uncertain language, referencing Varaha-Mihira, also bearing Weidner’s faded stamp to corner, laid in. Early blind-stamped plain cloth boards (detached from book block: needs repair). Page-edges gilt. [2 leaves] + [pp. 5-16] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 19-47] + [2]

Ibn Al-Daya, Ahmad Ibn Yusuf; ed. / tr. Martrello, Franco e Bezza, Giuseppe ‘[Indo-Iranica et Orientalia[17], Serie Lazur, Volume 10:] Commento al Centiloquio Tolemaico: Edizionee traduzione del testo arabo e della versione greca’ Mimesis Edizioni (Milano – Udiine), Via Risorgimento, 33, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Milano, 2013. Card covers. [5] + [pp. 5-30] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 33-43] + [1] + [pp. 46-235] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 239-241] + [1] + [pp. 244-317] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 321-349] + [1 leaf] + [pp. 353-381] + [pp. 383-393] + [1 page of advertisements] + [Imprimatur]

Ibn Asim; ed.[18] Nogues, Miquel Forcada ‘[Fuentes Arabico-Hispanas[19], 15:] Kitab Al-Anwa’ Wa-L-Azmina – Al-Qawl Fi L-Suhur – (Tratado Sobre los Anwa’ y los Tiempos – Capitulo Sobre los Meses –)’ Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas / Instituto de Cooperacion con el Mundo Arabe / Instituto Millas Vallcrosa de Historia de la Ciencia Arabe, Barcelona, 1993. Card covers. [5] + [pp. 9-279] + [pp. 72-7[20]] + [2 leaves]


[1] The earlier part of this volume features a complete edition of the Latin and (on facing pages) Picardish source texts of the anonymous De Stellis Fixis, in Quibus Gradibus Oriuntur Signorum, spanning pp. [36]-91. Seven further, shorter, earlier texts are then edited under the collective heading of “Der einzelnen Schichten” (“the individual layers”), each being preceded by an introduction. These texts would appear to be being cited as probable sources for the content in De Stellis Fixis. They appear under the following headings in the table of contents: I. Paranatellonten (Teukros); II. Einzelgrade; III. Helle, dunkle und leere Grade (Abu Ma’sar); IV. Wetternotate; V. Planetenbezirke (Kritodemos); VI. Gradbezirke mit Namen; VII. Einzelsterne (Ptolemaeus). The Teukros and Kritodemos texts are edited in Latin and (facing) Greek. Under section VII, despite the table of contents having promised Ptolemaeus, a short text attributed to Rhetorius is edited in Latin and (facing) Greek. Sections II, III, IV and VI are edited in Latin only. Two short ppendices featuring further Greek source text, attributed to Kritodemos and Abu Ma’Sar respectively, complete the volume

[2] The main part of this volume is dedicated to commentaries on the seven shorter texts featured in Band I (q. v. above)

[3] A series of publications founded by Dieter Wuttke, and edited by Joachim Knape, Reinhold F. Glei and Ulrich Pfisterer

[4] Comprises pp. [126]-320 of the present volume, which also contains thirteen other studies by different scholars on non-astrological topics related to literature in ancient Rome

[5] A series of publications edited at this time by Hildegard Temporini and Wolfgang Haase

[6] An edition with facing German translation of the Latin text of the fifth book only of the Astronomica, spanning oo. 75-141. It is supplemented by a lengthy introduction, a bibliography, and a very long index

[7] An extensive commentary in modern German on the fifth book only of the Astronomica

[8] An offprint from Sudhoffs Archiv, Band 59, Heft 4 (1975)

[9] A series of publications collectively edited by Michael Erler, Dorothee Gall, Ernst Heitsch, Ludwig Koenen, Reinhold Merkelbach and Clemens Zintzen

[10] A series of publications collectively edited at this time by Herausgegeben Ernst Heitsch, Reinhold Merkelbach and Clemens Zintzen

[10a] See also separate standalone listing of same for copy previously purchased, not as part of this cache

[10b] The copyright is credited to Isabel Temple Hungad, 1931. It is not immediately clear if this is the same person as the author or a spouse or daughter

[11] A series of publications published by the Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project of the Academy of Finland in co-operation with Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. Its Editor in Chief at this time was Simo Parpola, working as part of an editorial committee also comprising Robert M. Whiting, Frederick Mario Fales, Nicholas Postgate and Julian Read.

[11a] Additional credits read: ‘Including Materials by Abraham J. Sachs’ and ‘With an Appendix by John M. Steele’

[11b] An additional credit reads: ‘Including Materials by Abraham J. Sachs’

[11c] Additional credit reads: ‘Including Materials by Abraham J. Sachs’

[12] A series of publications edited at this time by H. Altenmüller, B. Hrouda, B.A. Levine, R.S. O’Fahey, K.R. Veenhof, and C.H.M. Versteegh

[13] A wide-ranging overview. The four main sections of content comprise omens; early astronomy; astronomical observations and predictions of the first millennium; and theoretical astronomical texts

[14] A series founded by Ernst Weidner; and edited at this time by Hans Hirsch, in collaboration with Hermann Hunger

[14a] A series of publications collectively edited by Steele

[14b] Translated from the first Spanish edition entitled ‘Usted y el Zodiaco’, copyrighted 1957

[14c] It is not clear how many months or years elapsed before the current printing, but in view of 29,000 copies already having been printed earlier, it seems likely that this printing was some years later than the date of the foreword

[15] No library records of earlier editions or even this one could be found, the only German library records corresponding to the fourth edition of 1940 and the fifth of 1950. The reason for this appears to be a change of title, with the first edition of 1933 having been entitled “Sterne und Erotik”. The present title was adopted for the second edition of 1934, but it is presumed not to have landed in German deposit libraries because it was essentially a reissue of the 1933 work under a new name

[16] Translated from the original French edition entitled “Histoire de l’astrologie. Science ou superstition?” and published by Gerard & Co., Verviers, 1970

[16a] Presumed 1996 or soon after

[16b] Presumed 1995

[17] A series of publications collectively directed by Antonio Panaino and Velizar Sadovski

[18] “Estudio, traduccion y edicion critica por…”

[19] A series of studies edited by Mercedes Garcia Arenal, Manuela Marin, Luis Molina and José Pérez Lazaro.

[20] i.e. from page 72 to page 7 in reverse order. These pages, together with the title pages on the final two leaves, constitute the Arabic source text to which the translation and study refers, presented in reverse page order in accordance with literary convention for Arabic books

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