Astrology books by 339 authors added in 2023

2023 was a year of contrasts. The first eight months were exceptionally busy as my attention was focused on correcting gaps in the library holdings (with a strong emphasis on the older German astrological literature) and further improving the holdings of modern Indian astrology books in particular.

The highlight of the year was surely the opportunity to acquire two 16th-century Latin astrological textbooks that had long been desiderata for the library, by Luca Gaurico and Johannes Gartze. These may be the last books of such age and value to find their way into the library while it is in my charge. Very little ambition in that direction remains.

At the same time, I took the opportunity to purchase about 85 previously lacked duplicates from the Astrological Association library, with the board’s permission. Some of these were other editions of books I already held in at least one edition, while others were altogether new to our library; but between them, they account for 70 named authors and one anonymous author in the shortlist below.

These additional acquisitions from the A. A. back in the Spring significantly boosted the total author count for the year to the unusually high figure of of 339 authors, of which 335 named, and four anonymous but presumed distinct.

The last few months of the year saw me focused on research and writing for two major conference lectures and for some important magazine articles. At the same time, I had to save towards some long-delayed works on the property housing the library, which have now been cumulatively delayed for about three years but are expected to go ahead early in 2024. This need, together with a drop in income, significantly limited acquisitions in the last 3-4 months of the year.

During the latter months of the year, I felt my personal priorities shifting from developing the library resources towards the pursuit of a better-balanced life. The cumulative library holdings having finally topped 10,000 unique edition volumes of non-periodical books and pamphlets towards the end of the year, I feel as though a psychological milestone has been passed in the project to develop it, and as I approach the end of my 40s, I am inclined to shift the expenditure of my energies in other directions from next year.

This is unlikely to mean a total cessation of acquisitions any time soon. It is, however, likely to entail their minimisation. 2023 is thus looking set to have been the last year of major development for the astrology library while it remains in my hands, with 1996 having been the first, although the library actually began in 1995 with three gifts of books from a friend of my father. It has been a 28-year project with some pauses along the way, but I have put many other plans on ice, and I am now having to reassess my life priorities. This does not mean the library will end. It still exists, and it remains my plan to secure it for the future, even if it ceases to be actively developed at any significant rate.

The research fruits of the library holdings should continue to be realised for many years to come, whether in my hands or those of other guardians of the resources here. My thanks to you all for the support and encouragement on this long and sometimes arduous and lonely journey.

2023 book acquisitions by author, A-Z:

Adams, Evangeline (1930)

Adawal, Dr. Shanker (2013)

Aditya, Vinay (2013)

Ahmad, Sheikh Habeeb (1903)

Ammons, Diane (2021; 2022)

Annand, Alan (2015)

Anonymous (33) (1975)

Anonymous (76) (1942)

Anonymous (88) (undated; 2015)

Anonymous (89) (1998)

Anonymous (90) (undated)

Anrich, Elsmarie (1989)

Ariel (undated)

Astrop, John (1981)

Bailey, E. H. (undated)

Bailly, Jean Sylvain (1781; 1785 * 3; 1787)

Banerjee, Indrodeep (2015)

Baughan, Rosa (undated)

Baumgartner, Hermi (undated)

Becher, Theobald (undated)

Beckman, Howard (1995)

Bellizia, Lucia (2023)

Belmonte, Juan Antonio and Lull, José (2023)

Benjamine, Elbert (1943)

Bhasin, J. N. (2018)

Bhatt, Hemant Thakorbhai (2023, * 2)

Billwiller, Robert (1878)

Binnington, Diane (1981)

Blake, Leonardo (1939)

Bleeck, Andreas (2022)

Boland, Yasmin (2016)

Boney, Marc (2017 * 2; 2022; 2023 * 3)

Boone, Donald (undated)

Böss, Herbert (1985; 1993)

Bött-Bodenhausen, Dr. M.; Hermann, Dr. S. B., eds. (undated)

Böttcher, Helmut M. (1965)

Bracali, Marco; Casulli, Lorenzo and Mazzucchelli, Alessandro (2022)

Brahé, Gine (1933)

Brandau, Fritz (1980)

Brandler-Pracht, Karl (1905)

Brenner-Kruckenberg, Walter (1956)

Brummund, Ruth (1994)

Bunkahle, Andreas (2013)

Bunker, Dusty (1989)

Bunnell, Lynda (2020)

Burgess, Rev. Ebenezer (1978)

Busse, H. (1931)

Busset, Christiane (1984)

Butler, Alan (1992)

Caine, Mary (1978)

Carboni, Stefano (1997)

Carter, Charles E. O. (1954)

Chacornac, Paul (1926)

Chaterjee, Dr. S. S. (2002)

Chaturvedi, B. K. (1998)

Chaudhary, Krishnan Rajesh and Choudry, V. K. (2023)

Chaudhuri, Dr. Sandipan (1983)

Chawdhri, Dr. L. R. (1994)

Cheiro (1895; 1912; 1931)

Chiba, Reiko (1965)

Choisnard, Paul (1928)

Clemens, Raymond (2016)

Cochrane, David (2021)

Conrad, Courtney Roberts (1998)

Constantine, Storm (2002)

Corbett, Tom (1970)

Cox, Samuel (undated)

Crane, Joseph (2023)

Crowther, Patricia (1992)

Dal Cangio, Gilberto (2021)

Danzel, Dr. Theodor-Wilhelm (1924)

Das, R. K. (2014)

Dautzenberg, Paul-Alexander (undated)

Davis, Martin J. (1989)

De Rochas, Albert (undated)

Deacon, Richard (1976)

Dean, Dr. Geoffrey (1976; 2022)

Del Rio, Martin (2023 * 5)

Desbarolles, Ad. (1859)

Dobyns, Zipporah Pottenger (1972)

Dodson, Carolyn R. (1974)

Douglas, Graham (1995)

Duteil, Camille (1838)

Ebertin, Dr. Baldur R. and Modersohn, Erich (undated)

Ebertin, Elsbeth (undated * 3; 1934)

Ebertin, Reinhold (undated * 3; 1932; 1950; 1959; 1963; 1968)

Eitner, Dr. H. O. (1930)

Ekstrom, Dr. Gustave C. (undated)

Elbing, Bernhard (2022)

Ellis, Frank (1905)

Elwell, Dennis (1983; 1987)

Epstein, Alan (1984)

Fairfield, Gail (1990)

Fantoni, Barry (1986)

Ferrière, Ad. (1940)

Filbey, John and Peter (1980; 1986)

Firmicus Maternus, Julius (2023)

Fix, Wm. R. (1979)

Fluss, Ernst Oskar (undated)

Förster, Willfrield; Brandau, Fritz (1977)

Foss, Andrew (2017)

Francis, Helena (2004)

Freudenberg, Dr. Med. F. (1919)

Fuller, Jean Overton (1961)

Furst, Dietmar and Hamel, Jürgen (1988)

Ganser, Oskar (undated)

Gartze, Johannes (1576)

Gauquelin, Françoise and Michel (1957; 1970 * 4; 1971 * 2)

Gaurico, Luca (1552)

Gemini (1941)

Gessmann, G. W. (1889, 1896, 1897, 1898 * 2, 1901, 1905, 1910, 1922)

Gianola, Prof. Alberto (1906)

Gillen, Jack and Chan, Vincent (2020)

Gillett, Roy (2009)

Glahn, Frank (undated; 1923; 1936)

Gleadow, Rupert (1968)

Golder, Carole (1988)

GopalaKrishnan, Tiripur S. (2022 * 2; 2023)

Goravani, Das (2016)

Gore, V. (1952)

Gouchon, Henri-J. (1969 * 2)

Gore, Col. A. K. (2020)

Grail, Hollis (2023)

Grebner, Bernice Prill (1980)

Greene, Liz (1984; 1987; 1992; 1994; 1996 * 2; 2023 * 3)

Greer, John Michael (2022)

Griffin, Anthony (2014)

Grimm, A. M. (1927)

Grochol, Werner (1988)

Hadès (1977; 1982; 1985 * 2; 1987 * 2; 1988; 1989; 1990; 1996 * 2; 2000)

Hahn, Dr. med. [Eduard] (1929)

Halbronn, Jacques E. (1984)

Halga, Herbert (1933)

Hall, Manly Palmer (1947)

Hariharan, Ln. K. (2005)

Harji, Janardan (2022 * 2)

Hartmann, Dr. Wilhelm (1950)

Harvey, Charles (1977; 1983)

Heath, Sir Thomas L. (1932)

Heeßel, Nils P., ed. (2007; 2021)

Heindel, Max (1913)

Henning, Ann (1985)

Hennings, Jos. P. (1931)

Hermes Trismegistus (1905 [as Ermete Trismegisto]; 2022)

Hesse, Paul (1922)

Höcker, Dr. Carl (1930; 1931)

Holzapfel, Franz; Pöllner, Otto (1930)

Hone, Margaret (1947)

Huber, Bruno (1973; 1981; 1982 * 2; 1984 * 3; 1985; 1986)

Huber, Louise (1980)

Huber, Michael A. (1984)

Hübner, Wolfgang (2022)

Hurst, H. Norman (1936)

Ibn Ezra, Abraham (2022 * 2)

Jain, Manik Chand (1973)

Jain, V. P. (2002; 2004)

Janduz (1954 * 8)

Jayne, Charles A. (1972; 1978)

Jenkins, Palden (1987)

Jha, Sunita (2003)

Jha, U. K. (2005; 2010; 2015 * 5; 2016)

Joffe, Marc (1958)

Jorgensen, John (2018)

Joshi, J. C. (2007)

Kabisch, Helene (undated)

Kalyan Verma (2019 * 2)

Kamateros, Johannes (1907)

Kapoor, Deepak (2001)

Kapoor, Dr. Gouri Shanker (2004; 2014)

Kar, Susil Kumar (1955)

Kedar, M. N. (2000; 2003; 2004)

Kepler, Johannes (1858; 1859; 1860; 1863; 1864; 1866; 1868; 1870; 1871; 2017)

Kersten, Rudolf (undated)

Kibre, Pearl (1984)

Khushi, Er. P. L. (2023 * 2)

Kickbusch, Arthur (undated)

Kirby, Babs & Stubbs, Janey (1990)

Klepešta, Josef and Rükl, Antonín (1975)

Knegt, Leo (c. 1931)

Koch, Dr. W. (1927; 1947; 1963)

Koch, Ulla (2015)

Koestler, Arthur (1959)

Kolisko, L. (1952)

Kollerstrom, Nick (c. 1977; 2023)

Koppenstätter, Ed. (1926)

Körner, Eberhard Maria (1955)

Krats, Arthur (1924)

Krishnamurti, Prof. K. S. (2006)

Krishnasamy, C. J. (1956)

Kühr, Erich Carl (1952)

Kumar, Dr. Manoj (2019)

Kumar, Raj (2012; 2013; 2023)

Kumar. S. Krishna (2014)

Kwok, Man-Ho; Palmer, Martin and O’Brien, Joanne (1987)

Laars, R. H. (1922)

Lang, Johannes (undated)

Lasson, Léon (undated)

Leek, Sybil (1972)

Lenormand, Madame (1826)

Leo, Alan (1912)

Leo, Hermann (1921; 1928)

Libra, C. Aq. (1918)

Looss, Robert (1924)

Losensky-Philet (1951)

Lucke, Hans (undated)

Lyndoe, Edward (1970)

Macnaughton, Robin (c. 1980)

Manetho (2023)

Mann, A. T. (1979; 1989)

Mansall, Cordelia (1991)

Mantreswara, Sage (2005)

Martin, Eva M. (1913)

Mathur, Dinesh S. (2012; 2018)

Mayo, Jeff (1964; 1965; 1996)

Medavarapu, Sampath Kumar (2023)

Mehl, Édouard and Pantin, Isabelle, eds. (2022)

Meier-Parm, Heinrich-Christian (typescripts ranging in date from 1932-1935; and books from 1933; 1937)

Melbourne, David F. and Adams, Helen (1998)

Mendel, Daniela (2022 * 3)

Mertz, B. A. (unclearly dated)

Michaels, Jennifer; Jack, Joyce (1985)

Michelsen, Neil F. (2007)

Migne, M. l’Abbé, ed. (1848; 1852)

Miro, Monica, ed. (2020; 2023)

Mishra, Dr. Suresh Chandra (2018 * 2; 2019 * 3; 2020)

Müller, Adolf, S. J. (1903)

Muthuswamy, Prof N. E. (1998; 2009 * 2)

Naik, Satyanarayan (undated; 2012)

Nair, Deepak (2004)

Naylor, R. H. (c. 1934)

Oestereich, Dr. Traugott Konstantin (1921)

Ojha, Gopesh Kumar (2002; 2020)

Old, W. Gorn (c. 1902; undated)

Orchiston, Wayne and Vahia, Mayank N., eds. (2021)

Parasara, Maharishi (2006 * 2; 2018 * 2)

Patel, P. A. (1996)

Pathak, Krishna Kumar (2019)

Paul, Haydn (1990)

Paulus, B. (1925; undated)

Penfield, Marc (1984)

Peschke, Dr. Arnold (1922)

Piercey, Terry (undated)

Pierson, Jean-Marc (2023)

Plunket, Emmeline M. (1908)

Porro, Natalia (2023)

Pottenger, Maritha (1984; 1995)

Powell, Robert A. (c. 1991, * 2)

Prabhakar, Muthireddy (2023)

Prakash, S. (2020; 2021 * 2)

Preisendanz, Karl, ed. (1973; 1974)

Pulippani, Dr. U. S. (2023)

Radhe (2015)

Rama Dayalu (1994)

Raman, Bangalore Venkata (1942)

Rana, Dr. Mahender Singh (2023)

Rao, Dr. Nemani Venkata Raghunatha (2016 * 2)

Rao, Prof. B. Suryanarain (1949)

Rao, Prof. Y. V. Subba (2015; 2016)

Regulus Astrology LLC (2021; 2023)

Reiner, Traudl * Walter (1992)

Reinhart, Melanie (1997)

Rele, Dr. V. G. (1935; undated)

Ribeiro, Luis Campos (2023)

Rieder, Thomas (1972)

Riemann, Fritz (1972)

Rinaldi, Michele, ed. (2021)

Ring, Thomas (1938; 1941)

Roberts (1938)

Robertson, Marc (1976)

Rockers, V. (1949)

Rodden, Lois M. (1994)

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis (1936)

Rosenberg, Alfons (1971)

Rudhyar, Dane (1983 * 2)

Rudolph, Ludwig (1979)

Saenger, Emil (1926)

Sahasrabudhe, N. H. (2009)

Sandhu, Jatinder Pal Singh (2021)

Saravanan, Dr. E. (2020; 2023)

Sasportas, Howard A. (2023)

Sastri, C. Subrahmany & sons (undated)

Sastry Garimella, Bhima Shanker (2014)

Saxena, D. P. (2004)

Schilde, Lothar (undated)

Schmitz, Oskar A. H. (1922)

Schwickert, Gustave (1952)

Scofield, Bruce (2021)

Sekhar, K. Jaya (2012)

Selvam, R. (2023)

Sepharial – see under Old, Walter, above

Sharma, Aparna (2012)

Sharman-Burke, Juliet (2023)

Shastry, Dr. N. Srinivasan (2012)

Sherman, William H. (1995)

Sibly [pseud.] (undated)

Śnieżyńska-Stolot, Ewa (1997)

Spiegelberg, Wilhelm (1922)

Sporner, Hermann (undated)

St. Hill, Katharine (1927)

Stein-Huch, Frieda (1939)

Steinbrüchel, A. (1937)

Steiner, Rudolf (1910; 1914; 1943; 1947; 2009)

Stock, Dr. X. (1931)

Strauss, A. S. (1939)

Studnicka, Prof. Dr. F. J. (1901)

Sullivan, J. B. (1897)

Th., F. L. (undated * 2)

Thaker, Rasendu; Thaker, Lata (undated)

Titirmare, Hemant (2023)

Tiwari, Prof. Basistha (2012)

Torné-Chavigny, H. (1872)

Trivedi, Mridula and Trivedi, T. P. (2006; 2011; 2017; 2018 * 2)

Trivedi, Prash (2020)

Troels-Lund (1956)

Tucker, W. J. (1966)

Uhlemann, Dr. Max (1857)

Uranos Sagittarius (undated)

Vanalesti, Anna Maria (2018)

Varaha Mihira (1985; 1997; 2003; 2015; 2018)

Vashistha, Kusum (2001)

Vasudev, Gayatri Devi (2003)

Vasudev, P. K. (1998)

Vescovini, Graziella Federici (2021)

Vehlow, Johannes (undated)

Vetter, Suso (1964)

Viswanath Nair, Prof. MK (2013; 2018 * 2; 2020 * 3; 2022; 2023)

Voiron (1811)

Von Beckerath, Erich (1973)

Von Ungern-Sternberg, Dr. Med. Olga (1975)

Vyas, Dr. R. N. (1996)

Waite, Arthur Edward (1911)

Ward, Sue (2022)

Wells, Martin (2022)

Wiedenmann, Bapt. (undated)

Williams, Thomas A. (1975)

Wirth, Oswald (1927)

Witte, Alfred (undated)

Wolff, Hans (undated)

Woodard, Roger D., ed. (2023)

Wynn (undated)


While the above is a complete summary of non-periodical book acquisitions in 2023, so far, only those books by authors as far as Choisnard in the alphabet have been integrated into the live HTML catalogue on this website, which is up to date only up to and including page 35 as a result. The remaining additions will gradually be integrated as time permits early in 2024. Editing each HTML page to add new entries and footnotes is a time-intensive process, and your patience with this will be appreciated. It is possible that 2023 will be the last year whose additions will be added to the HTML catalogue, future updates only being integrated into an offline Word version of the catalogue, because of the high time demand of keeping the HTML version up to date and low rates of usage.

Please follow the links to the four-part A-Z books index from for titles and full catalogue records, bearing in mind that pages 36-213 of the HTML catalogue have not yet been updated with 2023’s acquisitions at the time of writing. 

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