Survey of authors with the most books in the astrology libraries, May 2022

I have recently conducted a count to see which first-named authors or editors are credited with the most non-periodical volumes in the catalogue of our astrology library, and separately of the combined Astrological Association Library and Archive that are now shelved in other bookcases at the same location.

Under the rules adopted, all distinct editions and impressions of the same work were counted as unique edition-volumes, as too were translations into different languages of the same work.

In cases of modern translations of ancient and medieval texts by a single author, the credit always goes to the original author and not to the translator; however, compendium volumes of translations by a single translator of different works by multiple authors have usually been credited to the translator.

Authors who used more than one name had their results under their different names added together. Authors who shared the same pseudonym (e.g. Raphael) but were separate individuals were considered separately.

A cut-off point was set at a minimum requirement of ten unique edition-volumes per author. This inevitably resulted in many authors on eight or nine volumes narrowly missing out on being included, but still leaves in many authors who reached the threshold in each collection.

Part 1: Results for Astrolearn Library

The results are presented below alphabetically, with the Top 40 placements highlighted in bold.

Abu Ma’Shar: 20

Evangeline Adams: 20

Oskar Adler: 15

Al-Biruni: 10

Robert Ambelain: 10

Stephen Arroyo: 12

Elman Bacher: 10

Alice A. Bailey: 22 = joint 36th place

Dr. Douglas Baker: 34 = joint 16th place

André Barbault: 45 = 8th place

Hans Baumgartner: 14

Elbert Benjamine: 16 + 28 as C. C. Zain = 44 = joint 9th place

Pascale Bergeron: 14

Franz Boll: 13

Gustave-Lambert Brahy: 18

Karl Brandler-Pracht: 32 = joint 18th place

Nicholas Campion: 26 = 29th place

Charles E. O. Carter: 32 = joint 18th place

Ilya Chambertin: 16

Paul Choisnard: 17 + 13 as Flambart = 30 = joint 23rd place

Brian Clark: 15

Stephanie Jean Clement: 12 + 4 as Ennis = 16

Frank Clifford: 14

Dr. Walter Coleman: 43 = 11th place

Robert Thomas Cross (as Raphael): 28 = joint 26th place

Donna Cunningham: 12

Michèle Curcio: 14

Clara M. Darr: 10

Dr. William M. Davidson: 23 = joint 31st place

Jacques de Lescaut: 15

Robert DeLuce: 15

Ciro Discepolo: 31 = 22nd place

Doris Chase Doane: 32 = joint 18th place

Wolfgang Döbereiner: 13

Zipporah Dobyns: 12

Emma Belle Donath: 12

Pierre Duhem: 11

Benjamin N. Dykes: 10

Elsbeth Ebertin: 20

Reinhold Ebertin: 96 = 1st place

Mary English: 12

Michael Erlewine: 22 = joint 36th place

Firmicus Maternus: 11

Diane A. Flack: 11

Steven Forrest: 14

Claudius Galen: 10

Helen Adams Garrett: 21 + 2 as Helen J. Adams = 23 = joint 31st place

Michel Gauquelin: 53 = 6th place

Llewellyn George: 66 = 3rd place

Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson: 16

Henry-J. Gouchon: 10

Bernice Prill Grebner: 11

H. S. Green: 10

Jeffrey Wolf Green: 14

Liz Greene: 29 = 25th place

Alfred Max Grimm: 49 = 7th place

Wilhelm Gundel: 22 = joint 36th place

[Alain] Hadès: 36 = 14th place

Jacques Halbronn: 11

Manly P. Hall: 44 = joint 9th place

Karen Hamaker-Zondag: 15

Robert Hand: 11

John Hazelrigg: 11

Hermes Trismegistus: 12

Judith A. Hill: 10

Bruno Huber: 14

Wolfgang Hübner: 15

Abraham Ibn Ezra; 12

Robert Carl Jansky: 20

Charles A. Jayne: 15

Marc Edmund Jones: 41 + 1 (as Figulus) = 42 = 12th place

C. G. Jung: 23 = joint 31st place

Katia (pseud. of Gilbert Gautier): 12

Johannes Kepler: 17

Dr. Walter A. Koch: 23 = joint 31st place

Denis Labouré: 23 = joint 31st place

Martha Lang-Wescott: 13

Dr. J. Lee Lehman: 11

Alan Leo: 57 = 5th place

William Lilly: 32 = joint 18th place

Bessie Lispenard: 11

Sampson Arnold Mackey: 10 (bound as one)

Frédéric Maisonblanche: 15

Marcus Manilius: 15

A. T. Mann: 11

Marion D. March: 10

Tracy Marks: 19

Sophia Mason: 30 = joint 23rd place

Ellen McCaffery: 19

Joan McEvers: 11

Heinrich Christian Meier-Parm: 13

Raymond A. Merriman: 12

Bernd A. Metz: 13

Rev. Alice Miller: 14

Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche: 16

Ada Muir: 11

Dom Néroman  / Necroman: 20

Otto Neugebauer: 14

Jean-Pierre Nicola: 17

John David North: 12

Alan Oken: 10

Syndey Omarr: 10

Lynne Palmer: 19

Papus: 10 + 1 (as Dr. Gérard Encausse) = 11

Boris Pâque: 19

Paul R. Peak: 11

Marc Penfield: 10

David Pingree: 13

Maritha Pottenger: 18

Robert Powell: 10

Maurice Privat: 18

Claudius Ptolemy: 28 = joint 26th place

Bangalore Venkata Raman: 34= joint 16th place

Bangalore Suryanarain Rao: 11

Jane Ridder-Patrick: 15

Thomas Ring: 12

Marc Robertson: 11

Vivian E. Robson: 17

Lois M. Rodden: 11

Michael Roscher: 28 = joint 26th place

Dane Rudhyar: 65 = 4th place

Alexandre / Alexander Ruperti: 18 

Frances Sakoian: 22 = joint 36th place

Demetrio Santos: 10

Martin Schulman: 14

Bruce Scofield: 11                     

Sepharial: 67 + 4 (as Walter Gorn Old):  71 = 2nd place

A. F. Seward: 10

W. J. Simmonite: 14

Carl W. Stahl: 12

Alfred J. Straughan: 14

W. Sucher: 10

Lynn Thorndike: 12

Carl Payne Tobey: 16

W. J. Tucker: 40 = 13th place

Noel Tyl: 35 = 15th place

Johannes Vehlow: 10

Vettius Valens: 20

Alexandre Volguine: 22 = joint 36th place

H. Frieherr von Klöckler: 11

Alexander von Pronay: 11

Wulfing von Rohr: 11

Frederick R. White: 12

Edward W. Whitman: 24 = 30th place

George Wilde: 10

F. W. Wilson: 12

Mae R. Wilson-Ludlam: 15

Wynn: 4 + 6 as Sidney K. Bennett = 10

Zolar: 15


Part Two: Results for Astrological Association Library and Archive

The results for the combined Astrological Association Library and Archive are presented below alphabetically, with the Top 25 placements highlighted in bold.

André Barbault: 50 = 3rd place

Elbert Benjamine: 9 + 19 as C. C. Zain = 28 = 8th place

Karl Brandler-Pracht: 16 = joint 16th place

Nicholas Campion: 11

Charles E. O. Carter: 27 = 9th place

Frank Clifford: 10

Robert Thomas Cross (as Raphael): 15 = joint 18th place

William M. Davidson: 12

Ciro Discepolo: 19 = 15th place

Doris Chase Doane: 15 = joint 18th place

Zipporah Dobyns: 14

Reinhold Ebertin: 67 = 1st place

Sasha Fenton: 15 = joint 18th place

Steven Forrest: 10

Michel Gauquelin: 45 = 4th place

Llewellyn George: 12

Hannelore Goos: 10

Liz Greene: 22 = 14th place

Jacques Halbronn: 11

Manly P. Hall: 15 = joint 18th place

Karen Hamaker-Zondag: 11

Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson: 12

Robert Carl Jansky: 12

Charles A. Jayne Jr.: 11

Marc Edmund Jones: 15 = joint 18th place

Walter A. Koch: 14

J. Lee Lehman: 26 = 10th place

Alan Leo: 44 = 5th place

A. T. Mann: 10

Marion March: 11

Tracy Marks: 16 = joint 16th place

Jeff Mayo: 12

Neil F. Michelsen: 14

Patrick Moore: 14

Derek Parker: 25 = joint 11th place

Maritha Pottenger: 12

Bangalore Venkata Raman: 25 = joint 11th place

Thomas Ring: 11

Vivian E. Robson: 15 = joint 18th place

Lois Rodden: 11

Dane Rudhyar: 52 = 2nd place

Alexander Ruperti: 11                                                       

Frances Sakoian: 25 = joint 11th place

Martin Schulman: 15 = joint 18th place

Sepharial: 38 + 1 as W. G. Old = 39 = 6th place

Carl W. Stahl: 12

W. J. Tucker: 13

Noel Tyl: 38 = 7th place

Edward W. Whitman: 15 = joint 18th place

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