Astrology Books Digital File Downloads

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Coming Events Magazine Volume 3, 1898-1899

Full title: Coming Events: the Astrological Monthly (Oct. 1898 – Sep. 1899) Editor: [Sepharial] (Oct. 1898 – Sep. 1899) (rarely expressly stated, but apparent) Publication credits: [W. Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, London, E. […]

Coming Events Magazine Volume 4, 1899-1900

Full title: Coming Events: the Astrological Monthly (Oct. 1899 – Sep. 1900) Editor: [Sepharial] (Oct. 1899 – Sep. 1900) (rarely expressly stated, but apparent) Publication credits: [W. Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, London, E. […]

Cooke A Plea for Urania 1854

Cooke, Christopher ‘A Plea for Urania, Being a Popular Sketch of Celestial Philosophy; with Observations on the Impolicy of the Law Which is Supposed to Prohibit the Practice of Astral Sciences in the Present Age’ […]

Cooke Curiosities of Occult Literature 1863-1878

Cooke, Christopher ‘Curiosities of Occult Literature’ Arthur Hall, Smart, and Allen, unclearly dated[1]. With unique manuscript insertions by Cooke, including his artwork, highlights of which are detailed  below: Contains a jocular sketch of Helena-Petrona Blavatsky; a […]

Cross Reasons for Belief in Judicial Astrology 1849

[Cross, W. S.] ‘Reasons for Belief in Judicial Astrology; Comprising Some Advice to Students, and Remarks on the Dangerous Character of Popish Priestcraft: Also, a word or two upon astrological books and directions, in an […]

Dickson Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology 1909

Anonymous; tr. Dickson, Gladys ‘A Jerusalem Christian Treatise on Astrology. Translated by Gladys Dickson From the original Arabic’ Printed for the Palestine Exploration Fund, 38, Conduit Street, London, 1909. Original paper covers. [1 leaf] + […]

Dimbleby All Past Time by Six Astronomical Lines 1897

Dimbleby, J. B., Premier Chronologist to the British Chronological and Astronomical Association, London ‘All Past Time: By Astronomical Measurements and the Zodiac’ (title stamped to front board) / ‘All Past Time by Six Astronomical Lines. […]

Dupuis The Origin of All Religious Worship 1872

Dupuis [sic]; tr. Muller, C. C. C. W. ‘The Origin of All Religious Worship. Translated from the French of Dupuis, Member of the Academy of Inscriptions and of the National Institute of France During the […]

E. H. Bailey Destiny Magazine 1904-1905

Editor: Bailey, E. H. (all issues) Publication credits: C. Murrow (Jun. – Aug. 1904) E. H. Bailey (Mar. – Jun. 1905) Holdings: Vol. I No. 1, June 1904. 32 + 8 pp Vol. I No. […]

Ebn Shemaya The Star 1839

Shemaya, Ebn[1] ‘The Star; Being A Complete System of Theoretical and Practical Astrology. Containing Rules and Astronomical Diagrams, for Finding the Right Ascensions, Ascensional Differences, Declinations, &c. of the Planets and Fixed Stars. The Whole […]

Ethel Harte Zodiacal Influences from Seed to Flower 1927

Harte, Ethel Bret ‘Zodiacal Influences from Seed to Flower’ The Theosophical Publishing House Limited, 38 Great Ormond Street, London W. C. 1, 1927. Original cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine; light wear to outer […]

Ethelbert Bullinger The Witness of the Stars 1893

Bullinger, Rev. Ethelbert W., D.D. ‘The Witness of the Stars’ Published by The Author, 7, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C., London, 1893. Six-panel folding colour star-chart laid-in at rear, as issued. Cloth (separating at top cm […]

Frances Rolleston Mazzaroth or the Constellations 1862-1865

[Rolleston, Frances] ‘Mazzaroth; or, the Constellations: First Part’ Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, London, 1862, bound with ‘… Second Part’ (same publication details), bound with ‘… Third Part’ (same), bound with Rolleston, F., the late ‘… Fourth […]

Frank Earl Ormsby The Law and the Prophets 1894

Ormsby, Frank Earl, A Magian Mystic ‘”The Law and the Prophets”: a Scientific Work on the Relationship between Physical Bodies, Vegetable, Animal Human, and Planetary. Designed for the Instruction and Guidance of Students in the […]

Franz Hartmann Principles of Astrological Geomancy 1889

Hartmann, Franz, M. D. ‘Principles of Astrological Geomancy: the Art of Divining by Punctuation According to Cornelius Agrippa and Others. With an Appendix Containing 2,048 Answers to Questions’ Theosophical Publishing Company, Limited, 7 Duke Street, […]

George St. Clair The Secret of Genesis: an Astro-religious Record 1907

St. Clair, George, Many Years Fellow of the Geological Society, Member of the Anthropological Institute, Member of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, Ten Years Lecturer for the Palestine Exploration Fund ‘The Secret of Genesis: an […]

George Wharton Works of George Wharton 1683

Wharton, George; ed. Gadbury, John, Student in Physick and Astrology ‘The Works of that Late Most Excellent Philosopher and Astronomer, Sir George Wharton, Bar. – Collected into one Entire Volume[1]’ Printed by H. H. for […]

George Wilde and J. Dodson Treatise of Natal Astrology 1894

Wilde, G. and Dodson, J. ‘A Treatise of Natal Astrology’ The Occult Book Company, 6 Central Street, Halifax, Yorks., 1894. Textured cloth (separation down most of inner paper hinge before main p. 1, but cords holding […]

George Wilde Chaldean Astrology Up-to-Date 1901

Wilde, George; ed. Trent, A. G. ‘Chaldean Astrology Up To Date. How to Cast the Horoscope and Read the Future in the Stars. With Preface, Valuable Notes and Comments, by A. G. Trent’ E. Marsh-Stiles, […]

George Wilde Key to Your Horoscope 1907

Wilde, George ‘The Key to Your Horoscope. Signs of the Zodiac, Planets and Aspects which form the basis of the judgment of the Health, Pecuniary Prospects, Employment or Profession for Success, and for which the […]

Graves Evolution and Reproduction of the Human Race 1889

Graves, P. A., Prof. of Astrology ‘Evolution and Reproduction of the Human Race – Man Produced by Stellar Magnetism – Diseases and their Causes Explained – They are Not necessarily Hereditary – How to Prevent […]

Grimaldi Catalogue of Zodiacs and Planispheres 1905

Grimaldi, the Reverend A. B., M. A. ‘A Catalogue of Zodiacs and Planispheres, Originals and Copies, Ancient and Modern, Extant and Nonextant, from B.C. 1320 to A.D. 1900 – Arranged according to countries and in […]

H. S. Green Directions and Directing 1905

Green, H. S.; intr. Leo, Alan ‘Directions and Directing (Astrological Manuals No. V.) A Sequel to “The Horoscope In Detail” ‘ (inner title) / ‘[Astrological Manuals. No. V:] Directions and Directing’ (front board form) – […]

H. S. Green Directions and Directing 1910

Green, H. S.; intr. Leo, Alan ‘[Alan Leo’s Astrological Manuals No. V:] Directions and Directing – A Sequel to “The Horoscope in Detail” ’ Second Edition, Revised – “Modern Astrology” Office, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, […]

H. S. Green Mundane or National Astrology 1911

Green, H. S. ‘[Alan Leo’s Astrological Manuals, No. 13:] Mundane or National Astrology: A Short Introduction to the Study of the Effects of Equinoxes, Solstices, New Moons, Eclipses, and other Celestial Phenomena upon the Different […]

H. S. Green The Reason Why in Astrology 1910

Green, H. S. ‘[Alan Leo’s Astrological Manuals. No. VI:] The “Reason Why” in Astrology, or Philosophy and First Principles (Being the Second Edition of “Theoretical Astrology,” revised, amplified, and partly re-written)’ (inner title) / ‘[Alan […]

H. S. Green Theoretical Astrology 1903

Green, H. S. ‘[Astrological Manuals No. III[1]:] Theoretical Astrology’ L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial Arcade, E.C. / “Modern Astrology” Office, 9, Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead, N. W., London, 1903. Two copies. Copy A: […]

H. S. Green Weather-Predicting by Astro-Meteorology 1912

Green, H. S. ‘[Alan Leo’s Astrological Manuals, No. 14:] Weather Predicting by Astro-Meteorology’ (inner title) / ‘[Alan Leo’s Astrological Manuals, No. 14:] Weather Predicting by Astro-Meteorology – Rules for Forecasting the Weather’ (front board) – […]

Heinrich Däath Astro-Physiology and Pathology 1902-1908

Däath, Heinrich ‘Astro-Physiology and Pathology: Theoretical, Speculative and Practical’ in Modern Astrology, 1902-1908. No covers. [Pp. 32-9] + [pp. 99-104] + [pp. 129-136] + [pp. 186-190] + [pp. 236-242] + [pp. 279-284] + [pp. 31-5] […]

Heinrich Däath Medical Astrology 1908

Däath, Heinrich ‘[Astrological Manuals, IX:] Medical Astrology’ 9 Lyncroft Gardens, West Hampstead N. W. / Wholesale from L. N. Fowler & Co., 7 Imperial Arcade, E.C., London, undated[1]. Original step-patterned cloth. Two copies. Copy A: […]

Helen Robbins The Activities of Uranus and Neptune 1925

Robbins, Helen H. ‘The Activities of Uranus and Neptune’ Theosophical Publishing House, 9 St. Martin’s Street, W. C. 2, London, 1925. Original card wrappers. [1 leaf] + [3] + [pp. 9-13] + [p. 15] + […]

Henry Coley Clavis Astrologiae Elimata or Key to the Whole Art of Astrology

Coley, Henry, Student in the Mathematicks, and Astrology ‘Clavis Astrologiae Elimata: or a Key to the whole Art of Astrology New Filed and Polished. In Three Parts. Containing I. An Introduction; By which an Ordinary […]

Henry Van Stone The Pathway of the Soul 1912

Van Stone, J. Henry ‘The Pathway of the Soul: a Study in Zodiacal Symbology’ “Modern Astrology” Office, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.C., London / The Trade Supplied by L. N. Fowler & Co., 7, Imperial […]

Hippocrates Junior The Predicted Plague 1900

Hippocrates Junior (pseud.) ‘The Predicted Plague: Value of the Prediction: Planetary and Atmospheric Influences Considered as Cause of Black Death… and Other Plagues…. Comets and Plagues of Two Thousand Years Detailed…. Queen Elizabeth in Richmond: […]

Hiram E. Butler Solar Biology 1887

Butler, Hiram E. ‘Solar Biology: a Scientific Method of Delineating Character, Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical and Business Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, etc., etc., from Date of Birth’ Stated Second Edition[1] – Esoteric Publishing Company, 478 […]

Houghton The Supreme Rulers 1908

Houghton, J. A. ‘The Supreme Rulers[1]‘ Henry J. Drane Ltd., Danegeld House, 82 Farringdon Street, E.C., London, undated[2]. Original pictorial cloth. [3 leaves] + [pp. 7-240] [1] A charming work of astrological fiction [2] Library […]

Ireton The Horoscope Volume 2 1903-1904

Full title: The Horoscope: A Quarterly Review of Astrology and Occult Science (all issues) Editor: Ireton, Rollo[1] (all issues) Publication credits: Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London (all issues) Holdings included […]

Ireton The Horoscope Volume I 1902-1903

Full title: The Horoscope: A Quarterly Review of Astrology and Occult Science (all issues) Editor: Ireton, Rollo[1] (all issues) Publication credits: Foulsham & Co., 4 Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, E.C., London (all issues) Holdings included […]

Isabelle Pagan Astrological Key to Character 1907

Pagan, Isabelle M. ‘Astrological Key to Character: the Twelve Zodiacal Types Interpreted’ Theosophical Publishing Society, 161 New Bond Street, London, 1907. Original pictorial cloth (wear to extremities of spine; 1 cm tear towards top of […]

Isabelle Pagan From Pioneer to Poet or the Twelve Great Gates 1911

Pagan, I. M. ‘From Pioneer to Poet or The Twelve Great Gates[:] An Expansion of The Signs of the Zodiac Analysed’ The Theosophical Publishing Society, 161, New Bond Street, W., London, 1911. Original pictorial cloth […]

Isabelle Pagan The Palace of the King Rhymed Lessons in Astrology 1918

Pagan, Isabelle M. ‘The Palace of the King: Rhymed Lessons in Astrology’ The Theosophical Book Shop, 42 George Street, Edinburgh, 1918. Two copies. Both copies: original lightly textured paper covers. Copy A: (Separation to lowest […]

James Wilson Astrological Tables 1820

Wilson, James, Esq., Philomath ‘A New and Complete Set of Astrological Tables, for Finding the Declination, Right Ascension, Ascensional Difference, & Crepusculine Arcs, with a Table of Ascensional Differences Suited to the Polar Elevation of […]

James Wilson Complete Dictionary of Astrology 1819

Wilson, James, Esq. Philomath ‘A Complete Dictionary of Astrology, in which Every Technical and Abstruse Term Belonging to the Science is Minutely and Correctly Explained, and the Various Systems and Opinions of the Most Approved […]

John Barrett Enquiry into the Origin of the Constellations 1800

Barrett, the Rev. John, D. D. ‘An Enquiry into the Origin of the Constellations that Compose the Zodiac, and the Uses They Were Intended to Promote’ Printed by and for R. E. Mercier & Co., […]

John Bishop Marrow of Astrology 1689

Bishop, John (attrib.) ‘The Marrow of Astrology. In Two Books. Wherein is contained the Natures of the Sines and Planets, with their several Governing Angels, according to their Respective Hierarchies. And the Method of Directions […]

John Butler Hagiastrologia or Astrology a Sacred Science 1680

[Butler, John[1]], B.D., A Protestant Minister of the true Antient Catholick and Apostolick Faith of the Church of England ‘ΆΓΙΑΣΤΡΟΓΊΑ[2]. Or, Astrology A Sacred Science. Shewing, The Excellency and great Benefit thereof, where it is […]

John Gadbury Cardines Coeli 1684

Gadbury, John ‘Cardines Coeli: Or, an Appeal to the Learned and Experienced Observers of Sublunars and their Vicissitudes, whether the Cardinal Signs of Heaven are not most Influential upon Men and Things: Proved by X. […]

John Gadbury Collectio Geniturarum 1662

Gadbury, John ‘Collectio Geniturarum: Or,  a Collection of Nativities, in CL Genitures; Viz. Princely, Prelatical, Causidical, Physical, Mercatorial, Mathematical, Of Short Life, Of Twins, & c. With Many Useful Observations on them, Both Historical and […]

John Gadbury Genethlialogia or the Doctrine of Nativities 1658

Gadbury, John ‘Genethlialogia, or, the Doctrine of Nativities, Containing the Whole Art of Directions, and Annual Revolutions: Whereby, any man (even of an Ordinary Capacity) may be enabled to discover the most Remarkable and Occult […]

John Gadbury Nauticum Astrologicum 1710

Gadbury, John ‘Nauticum Astrologicum; or, the Astrological Seaman; Directing Merchants, Mariners, Captains of Ships, Ensurers, &c. How (by God’s Blessing) they may escape divers Dangers which commonly happen in the Ocean. Unto which is added […]

John Goad Astro-Meteorologica 1686

Goad, [John] ‘Astro-Meteorologica, or Aphorisms and Discourses of the Bodies Coelestial, Their Natures and Influences. Discovered From the Variety of the Alterations of the Air, Temperate, or Intemperate, as to Heat or Cold, Frost, Snow, […]

John Middleton Practical Astrology 1679

Middleton, John, Philomath ‘Practical Astrology. In Two Parts. The First Part containeth an easie Introduction to the whole Art of Astrologie, shewing the Number and Nature of the Signes, Planets, and Aspects. Together with several […]

John Partridge Defectio Geniturarum 1697

Partridge, John ‘Defectio Geniturarum: being an Essay toward the Reviving and Proving the True Old Principles of Astrology, Hitherto Neglected, Or, at leastwise, not Observed or Understood. In Four Parts. The First shewing the Ground […]

John Partridge Mikropanastron Astrological Vade-Mecum 1679

Partridge, J., M. R. Student in Physick and Astrology ‘Mikropanastron: Or an Astrological Vade Mecum Briefly Teaching the whole Art of Astrology, Viz. Questions, Nativities, with all its Parts, and the whole Doctrine of Elections, […]

John Partridge Opus Reformatum 1693

Partridge, John, Physician to Her Present Majesty, and Student in Astrology ‘Opus Reformatum: Or, a Treatise of Astrology, in which the Common Errors of that Art are Modestly Exposed and Rejected. With an Essay Serving […]

John Worsdale Celestial Philosophy 1828

Worsdale, John, Astronomer ‘Celestial Philosophy, or Genethliacal Astronomy, Containing the Only True Method of Calculating Nativities, Made Plain and Easy’ Published by Messrs. Longman, & Co., 47 Paternoster Row, London; and may be had of […]

John Worsdale Genethliacal Astrology 1798

Worsdale, John ‘Genethliacal Astrology. Comprehending an Enquiry into, and Defence of the Celestial Science: the Rectification of Nativities, by the Trutine of Hermes; with Proofs of the Verity of Elementary Influx and Sydereal Affection, Exemplified […]

Joseph Blagrave Astrological Practice of Physick 1680

Blagrave, Joseph ‘Blagrave’s Astrological Practice of Physick. Discovering, The true way to Cure all Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities which are Naturally incident to the Body of Man. Being Performed by such Herbs and Plants […]

Joseph Blagrave Introduction to Astrology 1682

Blagrave, Joseph, of Reading, Gent. Student in Astrology and Physick ‘Blagrave’s Introduction to Astrology in Three Parts[:] The First Containing the Use of an Ephemeris, and how to erect a Figure of Heaven to any […]

Joseph Dalton The Spherical Basis of Astrology 1893

Dalton, Joseph G. ‘The Spherical Basis of Astrology, Being a Comprehensive Table of Houses for Latitudes 22º to 56º, with Rational Views and Suggestions, Explanation and Instructions, Correction of Wrong Methods, and Auxiliary Tables’ Arena […]

Joseph Seiss The Gospel in the Stars or Primeval Astronomy 1882

Seiss, Joseph A., D. D. ‘The Gospel in the Stars; or, Primeval Astronomy’ E. Claxton & Company, No. 930 Market Street, Philadelphia, 1882. Cloth (wear to extremities of spine and lower outer corners of boards; […]

Karl Anderson The Astrology of the Old Testament 1892

Anderson, Karl, S.P.R.+, Professor of Chaldean, Arabian, and Egyptian Astrology ‘The Astrology of the Old Testament or the Lost Word Regained’ Karl Anderson Publisher, Boston, 1892. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and outer […]

Lemoine Astrologer’s Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany 1794

[Lemoine, Henry, ed.] ‘The Astrologer’s Magazine and Philosophical Miscellany. Consisting of An Easy Introduction to the Celestial Science of Astrology. The Art of setting a Figure to any Time proposed. Signification of the Houses, Planets, […]

Lemoine Conjuror’s Magazine Volume 1 1791-1792

Full title: The Conjuror’s Magazine, or, Magical and Physiognomical Mirror (overall volume title page) Editor: [Lemoine, Henry] (all issues) Publication credits: Printed for W. Locke, No. 12 Red Lion St., Holborn, London; and sold by […]

Lemoine Conjuror’s Magazine Volume 2 1792-1793

Full title: The Conjuror’s Magazine, or, Magical and Physiognomical Mirror Editor: [Lemoine, Henry] (all issues) Publication credits: Printed for W. Locke, No. 12 Red Lion St., London; and sold by all Booksellers and Newscarriers in […]

Luke Broughton Introductory Remarks to a Pamphlet Entitled Why I Am An Astrologer 1887

Broughton, L. D., M. D. ‘Introductory Remarks to a Pamphlet Entitled Why I Am An Astrologer, and a Reply to Richard A. Proctor’s article on the “Humbug of Astrology,” Published in the “New York World,” […]

Manoah Sibly Astronomy and Elementary Philosophy 1789

[De Titis, Placido], [tr. Anonymous], the whole carefully revised by Sibly, Manoah ‘Astronomy and Elementary Philosophy, Translated from the Latin of Placidus de Titus: Wherein is shewn, from Physical and Astronomical Principles, the Nature of […]

Manoah Sibly Collection of Thirty Remarkable Nativities 1789

[De Titis, Placido], [tr. Anonymous], revised Sibly, Manoah ‘A Collection of Thirty Remarkable Nativities, To Illustrate the Canons, and Prove the True Principles of Elementary Philosophy. Translated from the Latin of Placidus de Titus. To […]

Manoah Sibly Supplement to Placidus de Titus 1790

[Sibly, Manoah] ‘Supplement to Placidus de Titus; Containing the Nativity of that Wonderful Phaenomenon, Oliver Cromwell. Calculated methodically, according to the Placidian Canons, By the Ingenious Mr. John Partridge, M. D. To which is Prefixed, […]

Margaret Johnson Procession of the Zodiac 1886

Johnson, Margaret, ill. McDermott, Jessie and Hayden, E. P. ‘The Procession of the Zodiac: Twelve Month-Poems by Margaret Johnson; Twelve Month-Drawings by Jessie McDermott’ D. Lothrop and Company, Franklin and Hawley Streets, Boston, USA, 1886. […]

Marguerite Mertens-Stienon Studies in Symbolism Theogonic & Astronomical 1933

Mertens-Stienon, Marguerite ‘Studies in Symbolism Theogonic & Astronomical: Based on H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine’ The Theosophical Publishing House, 68 Great Russell Street, W.C. 2, London, 1933. Cloth (light wear to extremities of spine and […]

Maud Margesson Astrology in Epigram 1924

Margesson, Maud; intr. Robson, Vivian E. ‘Astrology in Epigram[1]’ The Theosophical Publishing House, Ltd.,  St. Martin’s Street, W. C. 2, London, 1924. Original small-format lightly textured cloth (moderate wear to extremities of spine and outer […]

Maunder The Astronomy of the Bible 1909

Maunder, E. W., F.R.A.S. ‘The Astronomy of the Bible: an Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture – With Thirty-Four Illustrations’ Third Edition – Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1909[1]. Original pictorially gilt-stamped cloth. […]

Members of the Mercurii The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century 1825

Members of the Mercurii, the: Raphael, the Metropolitan Astrologer; The Editor of the Prophetic Almanack; and Other Sideral Artists of First-Rate Eminence ‘The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century: Or, the Master Key of Futurity, and […]

Members of the Mercurii The Straggling Astrologer 1825

Full title: The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century, or Compendium of Astrology, Geomancy, and Occult Philosophy. – Comprising The Ancient Practice of raising Spirits, and invocating the Dead. Apparitions, Visions, and extraordinary Dreams. Curious Charms, […]

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